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Headword: Smênos
Adler number: sigma,735
Translated headword: hive
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a mass of bees.[1] Like a swarm. In a special sense a gathering of bees[2] is called a hive. So he is using the trope in Homeric fashion, for he says about Nestor, "And from his tongue his voice flowed sweeter than honey."[3] The dative is tw=| smh/nei.
Also [sc. attested is] smhnourgei=n, ["to make a hive"], a verb.[4]
Greek Original:
Smênos: plêthos melissôn. hoionei esmos. idiôs de smênos kaleitai to sustêma tôn melissôn. Homêrikôs oun kechrêtai têi tropêi: phêsi gar peri tou Nestoros, tou kai apo glôssês melitos glukiôn rheen audê. hê dotikê tôi smênei. kai Smênourgein, rhêma.
The first paragraph of the entry combines commentary on Aristophanes, Wasps 425 and Clouds 297. In the former the neuter headword, which can be either nominative or accusative, functions as accusative; in the latter as nominative.
For a separate gloss of the plural of this word, see sigma 734.
[1] = Synagoge sigma149, Photius sigma401 Theodoridis; cf. ps.-Herodian (Epimerismi 127.12), Pollux 1.254, Etymologicum Gudianum 506.48-9.
[2] A confused compression of a comment on Aristophanes's metaphorical use of the term in Wasps 425. A scholion on this verse says, "Properly (kuri/ws) a gathering of bees, but intentionally [e)pithdei/ws] [Aristophanes] said this here also, because the gathering of old men is wasp-like." In the Suda's version of this, the "gathering of old men" has become, by dittography, another "gathering of bees", and the second adverb e)pithdei/ws seems to have been replaced with or shortened to i)di/ws ["in a special sense"] and inserted in place of kuri/ws. The effect is to reverse the point of the original scholium by asserting that it is the "mass of bees" that is the non-standard sense of the word, an assertion also that contradicts the initial gloss given in the entry itself.
[3] Homer, Iliad 1.249.
[4] This form of this very rare verb, present active infinitive, is unattested elsewhere. (Strabo twice uses impersonal middle forms of the verb: 11.7.2 and 2.1.14.) For related nouns see Pollux 7.101.
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food; geography; imagery; mythology; poetry; rhetoric; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 March 2014@12:47:20.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 9 March 2014@05:51:38.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 9 March 2014@18:26:11.
William Hutton (augmented n.2) on 12 March 2014@22:39:57.


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