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Search results for sigma,1238 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1238
Translated headword: element
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An element is that primary out of which the generated things are generated, and that in which they are ultimately resolved.[1] Indeed, the [sc. four] elements are together the unqualified substance, the matter. Fire is hot, water moist, air cold, earth dry. However, there is still the same part in the air;[2] so fire, which indeed is called “ether” and where the first sphere of fixed [stars] is produced, is the highest. Then, [it is] the [sphere] of the planets, after which [comes] air; then water. But as foundation of all things [there is] earth, being in the middle of all of them.
Greek Original:Stoicheion: stoicheion estin, ex hou prôtou ginetai ta ginomena, kai eis ho eschaton analuetai. ta dê d# stoicheia einai homou tên apoion ousian, tên hulên. einai de to men pur thermon, to de hudôr hugron, ton aera psuchron, tên gên xêran: ou mên alla kai eti en tôi aeri einai to auto meros. anôtatô men oun einai to pur, ho dê aithera kaleisthai, en hôi prôtên tên tôn aplanôn sphairan gennasthai: eita tên tôn planômenôn: meth' hên ton aera: eita to hudôr. hupostathmên de pantôn tên gên, mesên hapantôn ousan.
For this headword see already
sigma 1236,
sigma 1237. The present entry is taken (with some minor variations) from
Diogenes Laertius 7.136-7, where a Stoic doxography on elements is quoted.
[1] See
Metaphysics 1014a27 ff.
[2] "The same part" apparently is dryness, which has just been mentioned.
Keywords: definition; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 8 January 2004@08:11:49.
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