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Search results for pi,636 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,636
Translated headword: freedom of speech
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] power, exemption.[1]
"They granted freedom of speech with a knife."[2]
But the [sc. Attic] orators used 'freedom of speech' in application to those intending to reproach their listeners, when those speaking made mention of things in the past that ought not to have been done. An instance is
Aeschines in the [speech]
Against Timarchus: "
Nicodemus [of Aphidna] has died a violent death at the hands of
Aristarchus -- the poor man had both of his eyes knocked out and his tongue cut out, the one with which he had been exercising freedom of speech, trusting in the laws [and in you]."[3] And in the [speech]
On the Mismanaged Embassy: "my choice has been to exercise freedom of speech and at the same time to seek safety in speaking freely and truthfully".[4]
Greek Original:Parrêsia: exousia, adeia. hoi de têi machairai tên parrêsian edidosan. hoi rhêtores têi parrêsiai katechrêsanto epi tôn oneidizein mellontôn tous akouontas, hotan hoi dialegomenoi tôn ou deontôs pote pepragmenôn mnêmoneuôsin: hôs Aischinês en tôi kata Timarchou: Nikodêmos de hupo Aristagorou teteleutêke biaiôi thanatôi, ekkopeis ho deilaios amphoterous tous ophthalmous kai tên glôttan ektmêtheis, hêi eparrêsiazeto, pisteuôn tois nomois. kai en tôi tês parapresbeias: proêirêmai de parrêsiasasthai kai eleutherôs hama kai talêthê eipôn sôizesthai.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica. See also
pi 637.
[2] Quotation not identified by Adler, but identifiable via the TLG as Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 5.1.15.
Aeschines 1.172. This quotation and the next illustrate the related verb
Aeschines 2.70.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; historiography; history; medicine; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 March 2010@05:46:37.
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