[Meaning] many-eyed.[1] "Like the many-pupiled herdsman of Inachus' daughter." In the Epigrams.[2]
Poluglênon: poluommaton. hoia poluglênon boukolon Inachiês. en Epigrammasi.
The headword, evidently extracted from the quotation given, is masculine accusative singular of the two-ending adjective
polu/glhnos, -on See generally LSJ s.v., and cf. under
tau 961.
[1] The gloss is of the same grammatical form as the headword, but from the adjective
poluo/mmatos, -on; see LSJ s.v.
Greek Anthology 5.262.4 (attributed to Paul the Silentiary). In mythology, Hera had bound Io (
iota 453), daughter of Inachus (cf.
iota 367), to a tree and had multiple-eyed Argus (Argos [
Place]) stand watch over her; OCD4 s.v. Argus(1). In the epigram, the poet compares the watchful nurse of his love interest to Argus. Another quote from this epigram is at
alpha 1683.
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