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Search results for pi,1278 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1278
Translated headword: odd, superfluous
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the [numbers] which in arithmetic are called unpaired, such as one, three, and the like. Paired [numbers] are even, such as two, four.[1]
"Abandon superfluous words, and do not teach me that my mother is bad or that Aegisthus draws from the house the paternal inheritance and pours out some [goods] but vainly scatters others. For speech would drive out your opportune time." For, he is saying, the idleness of talk takes away the opportunity of the deeds which are going to be done. Orestes says [this] to Electra.[2]
Greek Original:Perissa: ta en têi arithmêtikêi kaloumena azuga hoion hen, tria kai ta homoia. artia de ta zuga, hoion duo, tessara. ta men perisseuonta tôn logôn aphes, kai mête mêtêr hôs kakê didaske me, mêth' hôs patrôian ktêsin Aigisthos domôn antlei, ta d' ekchei, ta de diaspeirei matên. chronou gar an soi kairon exeirgoi logos. aphaireitai gar, phêsi, tên eukairian tôn mellontôn prachthênai hê tôn logôn adoleschia. Orestês phêsi pros Êlektran.
pi 1225,
pi 1279,
pi 1326,
pi 1327.
[1] Same material in other lexica; references at
Photius pi750 Theodoridis. See also
alpha 4036 a)/rtia.
Electra 1288-1292 (web address 1), with scholion on 1292. This quotation contains not the headword but a participle of the derived verb
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; economics; ethics; mathematics; mythology; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 June 2004@02:32:04.
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