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Search results for pi,1068 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,1068
Translated headword: Periandros, Periander
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The son of Kypselos, the king of Corinth. He received the kingdom from his father by the right of the first born and through savagery and violence he turned it into a tyranny; he even had 300 bodyguards and kept the citizens both from possessing slaves and from having free time, always finding work for them to do. If any of them took a seat in the
agora, Periander fined him, fearing that they would plot against him. He is also said to have performed this other immoral act: out of lust he had intercourse with his dead wife. He was continually waging war and was adept at it. After having triremes built he engaged them on both seas.[1] Some say that he was one of the Seven Sages; but he was not.
Greek Original:Periandros, ho Kupselou huios, tou basileôs Korinthou, tên basileian para tou patros kata presbeion paralambanei kai hupo ômotêtos kai bias exetrepsen autên eis turannida: kai doruphorous eiche t# ekôluse te tous politas doulous ktasthai kai scholên agein, aei tina autois erga exeuriskôn. ei de tis epi tês agoras kathezoito, ezêmiou, dediôs mê ti bouleuointo kat' autou. legetai de kai allo touton anomon ergasasthai, nekrai têi heautou gunaiki migenta hup' erôtos. estrateueto de sunechôs kai ên polemikos triêreis te naupêgêsamenos amphoterais echrêto tais thalattais. phasi de tines auton kai tôn z# sophôn gegonenai: to de ouk ên.
Same individual as
pi 1067: Periander, tyrant of Corinth (c. 627-587); OCD4 Periander. The account in
pi 1067 is taken from
Diogenes Laertius 1.94-101; the one here in 1068 comes from
Nicolaus of Damascus (FGrH 90 F58). Periander's "epitaph" (actually written by
Diogenes Laertius), is based on a story in
Herodotus 3.48-53. For Periander's "immoral act," and other acts of cruelty, see
Herodotus 5.92. Periander became the archetype of the cruel and oppressive tyrant, but there was another, possibly earlier, more favorable tradition. Periander is on several lists of the Seven Sages, but he is conspicuously absent from the list in
Protagoras 343A.
[1] That is, proceeding both eastwards (into the Aegean) and westwards (into the Corinthian Gulf and beyond) from the Isthmus of Corinth.
A. Andrewes, The Greek Tyrants (1956)
J.B. Salmon, Wealthy Corinth (1984)
Keywords: biography; constitution; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; history; military affairs; politics; proverbs; women
Translated by: Susan Shapiro on 9 July 1999@14:49:50.
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