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Search results for phi,757 in Adler number:
Adler number: phi,757
Translated headword: beacon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Also[1] [sc. attested is]
parafruktwreuo/menos ["he who is sending improper beacon-signals"]. Those misbehaving when on guard and spreading beacons hostile to those who have put their trust in the guards, to the advantage of the opposing forces, are said to be making improper beacon-signals, as
Lysias says: "the elder of these was caught in
Sicily, by Lamachus, making improper beacon-signals to the enemy, and was plank-executed".[2]
Strictly speaking [the verb]
fruktwrei=n means what is spread by fire-signals.[3]
Greek Original:Phruktos. kai Paraphruktôreuomenos. hoi kakourgountes peri tas phulakas kai phruktous anateinontes enantious tois pepisteukosi tên phulakên epi tôi sumpheronti tôn antikathezomenôn paraphruktôreuesthai legontai, hôs phêsi Lusias: toutôn heis ho presbuteros en Sikeliai paraphruktôreuomenos tois polemiois, lêphtheis hupo Lamachou apetumpanisthê. Phruktôrein kuriôs to dia pursôn anateinomenon sêmainei.
cf. generally
phi 755,
phi 758,
phi 759.
[1] There is no comment on the headword itself.
Lysias 13.65 in Loeb edition (web address 1) = 13.67 OCT. For this material see already
pi 485.
[3] A faulty version of Harpokration s.v.: "strictly speaking ph. is to convey something by fire-signals being spread".
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; law; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 November 2001@08:05:05.
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