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Headword: Phaidôn
Adler number: phi,154
Translated headword: Phaidon, Phaedo
Vetting Status: high
of Elis, philosopher, pupil of Socrates; [the man] who began the Elean school named after him, which later took the name Eretrian from Menedemus of Eretria.[1] This man had the early experience of being taken prisoner by Indians,[2] then sold to a certain pimp who put him in charge of courtesans in Athens. He encountered Socrates as a teacher, became enamoured of what he had to say, and begged him to ransom him. Socrates persuaded Alkibiades to buy him -- and hence he became a philosopher. His dialogues are Zopyrus, Medius, Simon, Antimachus or Elder, Nikias, Simmias, Alkibiades, Critolaus.
Greek Original:
Phaidôn, Êleios, philosophos, Sôkratous akoustês: hos êrxe tês Êliakês ap' autou klêtheisês haireseôs, hêtis husteron apo Menedêmou tou Eretrieôs Eretriakê prosêgoreuthê. touton sunebê prôton aichmalôton hupo Indôn lêphthênai, eita pratheis pornoboskôi tini proestê hup' autou pros hetairisin en Athênais. entuchôn de Sôkratei exêgoumenôi êrasthê tôn logôn autou kai aitei lusasthai. ho de peithei Alkibiadên priasthai auton: kai ên to enteuthen philosophos. dialogoi de autou Zôpuros, Mêdios, Simôn, Antimachos ê Presbutês, Nikias, Simmias, Alkibiadês, Kritolaos.
C5/4 BCE.
cf. Diogenes Laertius 2.105, and see generally OCD(4) s.v. Phaedon; Nails 231.
[1] cf. mu 598.
[2] So the transmitted text, which plainly needs emendation: suggestions have included Arkadians, Lakedaimonians, pirates.
Debra Nails, The People of Plato (Hackett: Indianapolis & Cambridge, 2002)
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; military affairs; philosophy; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 November 2003@08:35:14.
Vetted by:
Ross Scaife ✝ (upped status) on 17 November 2003@11:26:25.
David Whitehead (typo) on 18 November 2003@02:46:44.
David Whitehead (augmented note, with bibliography) on 13 July 2009@05:51:05.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2011@05:16:49.
David Whitehead on 5 December 2013@04:23:36.
David Whitehead on 6 August 2014@10:37:41.
David Whitehead on 6 May 2015@03:16:50.


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