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Search results for nu,389 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,389
Translated headword: Nikias, Nicias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A general of [the] Athenians.[1] This man captured the island of
Kythera[2] and made the Lakedaimonians afraid about
Sparta, such that they actually set up a guard in the polis.[3] But he obtained a fifty-year peace for the poleis; for he was a man of peace, such that he was actually considered to be a coward on account of this. But the peace was broken in the seventh year, when Alkibiades[4] broke it. He made an expedition to
Sicily with Alkibiades, and, weakened and distressed by kidney disease, he wrote to the Athenians either to send for the force already in existence or to dispatch another. They dispatched another under the general
Demosthenes,[5] who was himself also defeated. Some fled, but the generals were taken alive, and after being pursued they were captured.
Nikias and
Demosthenes were led off as prisoners of war, but the Sicilians killed them.[6]
Greek Original:Nikias, Athênaiôn stratêgos. houtos Kuthêra tên nêson heile kai peri tês Spartês eis phobon katestêse Lakedaimonious, hôs kai phrouran autous en têi polei katastêsai. eirênên de pentêkontaetê tais polesin eprutaneusen: ên gar eirênikos, hôs kai deilos einai dia touto nomizesthai. hê de eirênê hebdomôi etei dialuetai, lusantos autên Alkibiadou. strateuei de epi Sikelian sun Alkibiadêi kai hêttêtheis kai nosôi nephritidi suschetheis egrapse pros Athênaious, ê tên ousan metapempsasthai dunamin ê heteran apostellein. kai apesteilan hupo stratêgôi Dêmosthenei, hos kai autos hêttêthê. kai hoi men ephugon, hoi de stratêgoi ezôgrêthêsan, kai diôchthentes healôsan. Nikias de kai Dêmosthenês aichmalôtoi êchthêsan, apekteinan de autous hoi Sikeloi.
c.470-413 BC. See generally
Simon Hornblower in OCD(4) s.v.
[1] Robert Develin,
Athenian Officials 684-321 BC (Cambridge, 1989), Index I no. 2116.
[2] For the expedition against
Kythera see
Thucydides 4.53-54, 56-57;
Diodorus Siculus 12.65.8;
Nicias 6.
[3] Again at
phi 739.
alpha 1280; Develin Index I no.84.
[5] (no Suda entry); Develin Index I no.792.
[6] On the deaths of
Nikias and
Demosthenes see Debra Hamel,
Athenian Generals: Military Authority in the Classical Period (Leiden 1998) 206 and 208.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; history; medicine; military affairs; politics
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 12 August 1999@19:58:32.
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