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Adler number: nu,315
Translated headword: nelites
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a sinner.[1]
And there is also a feminine form of this, the Nelitides, in [the] Odyssey; from the masculine nhli/ths with barytone accent.[2] And the second syllable from the start, namely li, is correspondingly spelled with an iota in this book. But the grammarians thought it should be spelled with an eta, and looking for a reason it should, claimed an change in Aeolic of iota to eta. Among other instances, this occurs in yimu/qion ["face pigment"], which in Aeolic [is] yhmu/qion.[3]
Interpretation of a dream: if you are holding spun [threads], expect sorrows.[4]
Greek Original:Nêlitês: ho hamartôlos. toutou esti kai thêlukon hai Nêlitides en Odusseiai: ek tou nêlitês barutonou arsenikou. kai esti men hê ap' archês deutera, êgoun hê li sullabê analogôs en tôi bibliôi toutôi dia tou i. hoi de Technikoi dia tou ê eidotes auto kai zêtountes aitian, Aiolikên aitiôntai tropên tou i eis ê: ho pros allois kai en tôi psimuthion, kai Aiolikôs psêmuthion. lusis oneirou: nenêsmena kratôn de prosdoka lupas.
[1] cf. the
scholia to
Odyssey 16.317 (see next note).
[2] The accepted text has
Odyssey 16.317, 19.498, 22.418. From context, the sense is clearly "guileless" (the formula contrasts it with "those woman who are dishonourable"), but as LSJ s.v.
nhlei=tis notes,
Aristarchus assumed
nh- here was acting as an intensifier rather than a privative. (The
scholia to 19.498 record both opinions.) The masculine forms, both oxytone and paroxytone, are hypothetical, from Herodian onwards.
[3] Herodian,
peri\ paqw=n p. 363 Lentz. Similar commentary reproduced in
Etymologicum Magnum and ps.-
Zonaras s.v.
[4] Unrelated to the rest of the entry. From Nicephorus I,
Liber Onirocriticus II nu; already at
kappa 1249.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; dreams; epic; ethics; imagery; women
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 23 September 2009@06:12:41.
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