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Search results for mu,1066 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1066
Translated headword: Milon, Milo
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Of Kroton;[1] he won six consecutive Olympic titles in wrestling.[2] At his seventh attempt he was not strong enough to wrestle down his fellow citizen Masitheos,[3] a fit young man who was not prepared to fight him at close quarters. Standing on an oiled discus he would make fools of those who rushed at him and tried to push him off it. He would tie a cord round his forehead as if it were a ribbon or garland; then, holding his breath behind tight lips and filling with blood the veins on his head, he would break the cord by the strength of his veins as if it were paper.[4] He would let down by his side his right arm from the shoulder to the elbow and stretch out straight the arm below the elbow, turning the thumb upwards while the other fingers lay in a row; thus the little finger was lowest, yet nobody could bend it back by force. This man died after encountering a dry log which had wedges to separate its sides. The pride of Milon made him put his hands in, to pull it apart; the wedges slipped, of course, and Milon, held fast by the log, fell prey to wolves -- a beast that lives in very large numbers in the territory of Kroton.
Greek Original:Milôn, Krotôniatês, enikêse palaiôn hex olumpia ephexês. en de têi z# ouk ischuse katapalaisai ton Masitheon, sumpolitên autou, hêlikiai kai neon onta kai ouk ethelonta engus histasthai. histamenos de epi alêlimmenôi tôi diskôi gelôta epoieito tous empiptontas te kai ôthoumenous apo tou diskou. periedeito de tôi metôpôi chordên kathaper tainian ê stephanon: katechôn de entos cheileôn to asthma kai empiplas haimatos tas en têi kephalêi phlebas dierrêgnuen apo ischuos tôn phlebôn tên chordên kathaper papuron. kai tês dexias cheiros to men eis ton ankôna ek tou ômou par' autên kathiei tên pleuran, to de apo tou ankônos eteinen es euthu tôn daktulôn, ton men anticheira antistrephôn es to anô, tôn loipôn de allêlois epikeimenôn kata stoichon: ton elachiston oun tôn daktulôn katô ginomenon ouk apekinêsen an tis biazomenos. apethane de houtos epituchôn xulôi xêrôi sphênas echonti tous diistôntas auto: ho de hupo phronêmatos kathiêsi tas cheiras hôs diarrêxôn: olisthainousi te dê hoi sphênes, kakeinos echomenos hupo tou xulou lukôn egeneto heurêma: malista gar to thêrion touto polu kai aphthonon en têi Krotôniai chôrai nemetai.
A precis of
Pausanias 6.14.5-8 (web address 1); cf.
tau 209 and
phi 720.
On Milo(n) see generally OCD4 Milon.
[1] In S. Italy.
[2] In the late C6 BCE.
[3] "Timasitheos" in
[4] The comparison is not in
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; biography; botany; chronology; geography; medicine; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 July 2001@08:44:54.
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