[Meaning] the lights appearing around the house. "When evening lamps were no longer lit."
Lamptêres: hoi kata tên oikian phainontes luchnoi. hênich' hesperoi lamptêres ouk et' êithon.
Ajax 284-85, with comment derived from the
scholia there; already at
alpha 957. Tecmessa tells how the maddened Ajax rushed forth in the late night to attack, as he supposed, the Greek kings.
According to Adler, the lexicographer had access to the text of
Sophocles and to
scholia (p. xviii). For quotations from the
Ajax in reference to Tecmessa (
tau 246) cf.
alpha 2363,
alpha 4737,
beta 210,
delta 380,
omega 32,
omicroniota 195.
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