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Adler number: kappa,227
Translated headword: Callimachus, Kallimachos, Kallimakhos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Battus and Mesatma, of Cyrene. Grammarian. A pupil of Hermocrates of Iasus, a grammarian.[1] He married the daughter of Euphrates of Syracuse; his sister's son was the younger
Callimachus, who wrote on islands in epic verse.[2] He was so diligent that he wrote poems in every metre, and compiled very many works in prose; in fact, he wrote more than 800 books. He lived in the time of
Ptolemy Philadelphus. Before he became connected with the king, he taught grammar in
Eleusis, a small village in Alexandria. He survived until
Ptolemy, called Euergetes, in the 127th Olympiad, in the second year of which
Ptolemy Euergetes' reign commenced.[3] His books are as follows:
The Coming of Io;
The Founding of Argos [Myth, Place];
Hopes; satyr plays; tragedies; comedies;[4] lyric poems; Ibus (this is a poem deliberately made obscure and abusive, addressed to one Ibus, who was an enemy of
Callimachus: he was in fact Apollonius,[5] who wrote the
Tables of Men Distinguished in Every Branch of Learning, and their Works (in 120 books);
Table and Description of Teachers in Chronological Order from the Beginning;
Table of Democrates' Rare Words and Compositions;[6]
Names of the Months by Nation and City;
Foundations of Islands and Cities, and their Changes of Name;
On the Rivers in Europe;
On Astonishing and Paradoxical Things in the Peloponnese and Italy;
On the Changes in the Names of Fish;
On Winds;
On Birds;
On Rivers in the Inhabited World;
Collection of Marvels in the Whole World, Organised by Place.
Greek Original:Kallimachos, huios Battou kai Mesatmas, Kurênaios, grammatikos, mathêtês Hermokratous tou Iaseôs, grammatikou: gametên eschêkôs tên Euphratou tou Surakousiou thugatera. adelphês de autou pais ên ho neos Kallimachos, ho grapsas peri nêsôn di' epôn. houtô de gegonen epimelestatos, hôs grapsai men poiêmata eis pan metron, suntaxai de kai katalogadên pleista. kai estin autôi ta gegrammena biblia huper ta oktakosia: epi de tôn chronôn ên Ptolemaiou tou Philadelphou. prin de sustathêi tôi basilei, grammata edidasken en Eleusini, kômudriôi tês Alexandreias. kai pareteine mechri tou Euergetou klêthentos Ptolemaiou, olumpiados de rkz#, hês kata to deuteron etos ho Euergetês Ptolemaios êrxato tês basileias. tôn de autou bibliôn esti kai tauta: Ious aphixis, Semelê, Argous oikismos, Arkadia, Glaukos, Elpides, saturika dramata, tragôidiai, kômôidiai, melê, Ibos [esti de poiêma epitetêdeumenon eis asapheian kai loidorian, eis tina Ibon, genomenon echthron tou Kallimachou: ên de houtos Apollônios, ho grapsas ta Argonautika]: Mouseion, Pinakes tôn en pasêi paideiai dialampsantôn, kai hôn sunegrapsan, en bibliois k# kai r#, Pinax kai anagraphê tôn kata chronous kai ap' archês genomenôn didaskalôn, Pinax tôn Dêmokratous glôssôn kai suntagmatôn, Mênôn prosêgoriai kata ethnos kai poleis, Ktiseis nêsôn kai poleôn kai metonomasiai, Peri tôn en Eurôpêi potamôn, Peri tôn en Peloponnêsôi kai Italiai thaumasiôn kai paradoxôn, Peri metonomasias ichthuôn, Peri anemôn, Peri orneôn, Peri tôn en têi oikoumenêi potamôn, Thaumatôn tôn eis hapasan tên gên kata topous ontôn sunagôgê.
C3 BC. See generally RE Suppl. 5 and 13, Kallimachos(6); OCD4
[1] RE Hermokrates(11).
kappa 228:
[3] 271 BC. (Incorrect.)
[4] See Kassel-Austin, PCG IV p.55 (expressing doubt).
alpha 3419: Apollonius.
[6] West (below) argues for changing
glwssw=n "rare words" to
gnwmw=n "sayings".
Democritus was noted for his sayings, especially under the name
*dhmokra/tous 'of Democrates'. Given that
pi/nakes were "registers of literary productions" (Pfeiffer, p. 127f.), this would seem to make sense, since a
pi/nac glwssw=n would be an odd way to refer to a glossary. But O'Brien has since argued for the traditional reading, calling attention to strange words used by
Democritus, many preserved in ancient testimonia.
P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria (Oxford 1972) 452-6, 716-93
D. O'Brien, 'Démocrite d'Abdère', in R. Goulet, ed., Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques (Paris 1994), v. 2, 649-715
R. Pfeiffer, A History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford 1968) 123-40
M.L. West, 'The sayings of Democritus', Classical Review n.s. 19 (1969) 142
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; mythology; poetry; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 29 January 2002@16:57:18.
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