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Adler number: kappa,1995
Translated headword: you would grow your hair long
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aristophanes in
Plutus [writes]:[1] "and don't you grow your hair long like that". Meaning [don't] be proud. From the [sc. phenomenon of] those growing their hair long and boasting of it. Even if you are telling the truth, he is saying, don't think big thoughts: for they will not be any less convincing.[2] And philosophers used to grow their hair long either out of [ascetic] endurance or out of stinginess. "None of them ever shaved, out of frugality." [So] says
Aristophanes in
Greek Original:Komêsêis: Aristophanês Ploutôi: mêden tautêi ge komêsêis. anti tou huperêphanêsêis. para to tous komôntas kauchêtian. ei kai alêtheueis, phêsi, mê mega phronêsêis: ouden gar hêtton ta auta peisêi. ekomôn de hoi philosophoi ê dia karterian ê dia smikrologian. hôn hupo tês pheidôlias apekeirat' oudeis pôpote. phêsin Aristophanês en Nephelais.
The headword is aorist subjunctive of
koma/w, second person singular, from the first quotation given. For this verb, see also
kappa 1980.
Plutus [
Wealth] 572 (web address 1); in context the phrase clearly means "don't brag about it".
[2] This sentence, like the preceding one, is taken from the
scholia to
Plutus, but is commenting on the preceding sentence, "But it will be no less = it does not matter."
Clouds 835-836 (web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; imagery; philosophy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 19 January 2009@08:53:11.
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