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Adler number: iota,437
Translated headword: Ioulianos, Iulianus, Julian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Julian,] the transgressor and the apostate, emperor of [the] Romans, cousin of the emperor Constantine the Great, born of his brother Dalmatus and a mother named Galla.[1] He wrote the so-called
Caesars, which dealt with the emperors of the Romans starting with Augustus, and another book
On the Three Figures [2] and the so-called
Kronia and the
Beard-hater or
Whence the Evils,
To the Uneducated,
To Heraclitus the Cynic, How to be a Cynic, various letters, and other things.
Concerning Empedotimos, the transgressor says the following in the work entitled
Kronia: "But we [speak] trusting in Empedotimus and
Pythagoras on whom
Heraclides the Pontian relied when he spoke," and a little before [he said],[3] "and the famous one and hierophant
Iamblichus showed us."[4]
Many cases went before Julian, since men eagerly made use of his justice when he sat in judgment. And there were no delays to the advantage of the wrongdoers and those who had preconceived plans in those cases which involved an injustice considered normal according to customary laws. But they must either immediately prove what was just according to nature, or their delay and deferral for a time was suspect. And so he was grievous and troublesome [to them], and for these reasons the crowd of wrongdoers and evil men were stirred up: for it was not possible to do wrong nor could wrongdoers hide. Even his accessibility showed him more grievous to the villainous-—for, inasmuch as he often went out because of holy months and sacrifices and was mild by nature with respect to every encounter, those who wanted to speak with him were not prevented. And so he perceived and thought very little of this slander and anger of the wicked.[5]
Concerning the end of Julian the transgressor, the godless:[6] "but, when you conquer the Persian blood for your kingdom as far as Seleucia, clashing with your swords, then the fiery chariot will take you to Olympus mixed up in whirlwinds and whirlpools, after you have cast aside the many troubled pain of mortal peoples. And you will come to the ancestral court of the heavenly light, from which you wandered when you entered mortal form." And there is also the oracle that was given to him when he was spending time at Ctesiphon: "once, wise-counselor Zeus destroyed the race of the earth-born who were hateful to the blessed ones who have Olympian homes. God-like Julian, emperor of the Romans, fought and laid waste with powerful fire and iron the cities and long walls of the Persians who fight hand to hand, and he unceasingly conquered many other races--the very one who [7] who also seized the Alamannic soil of the Western Men in frequent battles and ravaged their fields."[8]
Greek Original:Ioulianos, ho parabatês kai apostatês, Rhômaiôn basileus, Kônstantinou basileôs tou megalou anepsios, apo Dalmatou adelphou autou kai mêtros Gallas tounoma. egrapse tous kaloumenous Kaisaras: periechei de tous apo Augoustou Rhômaiôn basileis: heteran biblon peri tôn triôn schêmatôn: kai ta kaloumena Kronia: kai ton Misopôgôna ê Antiochikon: Peri tou pothen ta kaka, kai Pros tous apaideutous: Pros ton kuna Hêrakleiton pôs kunisteon: epistolas pantodapas, kai alla. hoti peri tou Empedotimou legei ho parabatês houtôs en tois epigraphomenois Kroniois: hêmeis de Empedotimôi kai Puthagorai pisteuontes, hois te ekeithen labôn Hêrakleidês ho Pontikos ephê, kai mikrôi proteron kai ho kleinos hêmin edeixe kai hierophantôr Iamblichos. hoti epi ton Ioulianon pollai dikai echôroun, chandon emphoroumenôn tôn anthrôpôn tês dikaiosunês tou krinontos: anabolai te ouk êsan ep' autais, hosai nomimon ek tôn sunêthôn grammatôn to adikon ischousin eis boêtheian tôn adikountôn kai proeilêphotôn: all' ê parachrêma edei to ison elenchesthai kata phusin, ê to mellon kai diôthoumenon eis ton chronon hupopton ên. barus men oun kai lupêros etunchane, kai epi toisde kai to tôn ponêrôn ethnos kai adikountôn diêgeireto. ou gar adikein exên oude lanthanein adikousi. baruteron de auton apedeiknue tois mochthêrois kai to euprosodon. hoia gar proïontos men pollakis dia tas hieromênias kai thusias, hêmerou de phusei pros pasan enteuxin tunchanontos, akôluton tous deomenous logou tuchein. ho men oun elachiston tês hupo tôn ponêrôn tautês blasphêmias te kai orgês êisthaneto kai ephrontize. peri tês teleutês Ioulianou tou parabatou, tou atheou: all' hopotan skêptroisi teois Persêïon haima achri Seleukeiês kloneôn xipheessi damassêis, dê tote se pros Olumpon agei purilampes ochêma, amphi thuelliêisi kukômenon en strophalinxi, rhipsanta broteôn etheôn polutlêton aniên. hêxeis d' aitheriou phaeos patrôïon aulên, enthen apoplanchtheis meropêïon es demas êlthes. esti de kai ho chrêsmos ho dotheis autôi, hote peri Ktêsiphônta diêgen. gêgeneôn pote phulon enêrato mêtieta Zeus, echthiston makaressin Olumpia dômat' echousi. Rhômaiôn basileus Ioulianos theoeidês marnamenos Persôn polias kai teichea makra anchemachôn dieperse puri kraterôi te sidêrôi, nôlemeôs de damasse kai ethnea polla kai alla, horra kai Hesperiôn andrôn Alamanikon oudas husminais pukinaisin helôn alapaxen arouras.
Flavius Claudius Iulianus, Roman emperor 361-363. See generally Rowland Smith in OCD(4) s.v. Julian.
[1] Actually Julian was the younger son of Julius Constantius who was the half-brother of Constantine the Great (
kappa 2284). See the
DIR entry by Walter E. Roberts and Michael DiMaio, Jr., on Julian (web address 1) and that on the siblings of Constantine by Michael DiMaio, Jr., (web address 2). Apparently Julian’s father’s first wife was named Galla, but a second wife, Basilina, was his mother. Furthermore, the Suda’s 'Dalmatus' probably arises from confusion of Julius Constantius with his brother Flavius Dalmatius.
[2] That is
peri\ tw=n triw=n sxhma/twn, an obscure work.
[3] “
kai\ mikrw=| pro/teron” may be part of the quotation as translated in
epsilon 1007, but Wright (see note 4) seems to think it should be understood as an intrusion of the entry’s author: "and a little earlier [Julian said]".
[4] The Suda has already quoted this passage under Empedotimus (
epsilon 1007). Compare W.C. Wright’s translation and commentary of this fragment, pp. 296-7 in
The Works of the Emperor Julian, vol. III, 1923.
[5] This paragraph = Blockley,
Eunapius fr.25.[1].
[6] The following quotation is the first of two composed in dactylic hexameter in the manner of the oracle; the second is explicitly marked as an oracular pronouncement.
[7] The “
o(/rra” of V is changed to “
o(/s r(a” in the
Anthologia Palatina (14.148). Perhaps amidst all the Homeric vocabulary here “
o)/fra” should be read. This would mean changing "and he" to "until he", which would further emphasize the importance of the Alemannic victory.
[8] The passage from
e)/sti de\ kai\ o( xrhsmo\s to
a)la/pacen a)rou/ras is Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 27.[7].
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Vol. II. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1983.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; ethics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: Abram Ring on 24 August 2004@15:56:58.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (minor cosmetics) on 24 August 2004@21:20:48.
David Whitehead (modified headword; added introductory note and small additions to other notes; more keywords; cosmetics) on 25 August 2004@03:23:35.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmeticule, keyword) on 3 April 2008@11:00:23.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 13 January 2013@06:19:09.
David Whitehead on 4 August 2014@03:45:54.
Aaron Baker (Edited translation; edited Blockley translation citation.) on 14 September 2014@19:00:54.
Aaron Baker (Added bracket to Blockley citation (bracket used by Blockley to indicate possibly by Eunapius).) on 28 September 2014@18:01:41.
Aaron Baker (Revised translation of final oracle and gave corresponding Blockley fragment.) on 28 September 2014@22:00:59.
Catharine Roth (expanded note, coding) on 28 November 2014@22:21:58.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 21 February 2015@23:43:59.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 25 January 2019@02:01:12.
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