Search results for iota,324 in Adler number:
Headword: Illos Adler number: iota,324 Translated headword: Illos, Illous, Illus Vetting Status: high Translation:
A proper name.[1]
[That of the man] who was Zeno's magister [officiorum].[2]
Greek Original:
Illos: onoma kurion. hos ên magistros Zênônos.
[1] Likewise, according to Adler, in the Ambrosian Lexicon (250).
[2] i.e. Zeno the emperor (zeta 83, zeta 84): see mu 209, pi 137. For another Illos see under beta 279.
Catharine Roth (set status) on 23 November 2004@23:55:54. Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added cross-references and keyword) on 16 April 2008@14:56:06. David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 17 April 2008@03:03:38. Catharine Roth (augmented translation) on 22 April 2008@10:24:22. David Whitehead on 31 July 2011@08:21:27. David Whitehead on 11 January 2013@04:59:43. David Whitehead on 26 April 2016@06:10:01.