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Search results for gamma,491 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,491
Translated headword: more naked than a Ialemos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The
*)ia/lemos [is] a nickname of a dirge. [The proverb] is applied in reference to pitiful people/things.[1]
Also [sc. attested is] "more naked than a pestle and a slough", though
Aristophanes [says] "more blind". For it [sc. the slough] is the skin and the shedding of the snake and the cicada, from the 'husk' [
lepi/s]. Properly, however, [it is] the membrane with which the fetus of a cow is surrounded. This is also 'blind': because it only has the appearance of eyes. They express the proverb in three ways: 'more blind', 'more empty', and 'more naked'.[2]
Greek Original:Gumnoteros Ialemou: ho Ialemos epirrêma thrênou. tassetai de epi tôn oiktrôn. kai Gumnoteros huperou kai lebêridos. Aristophanês de tuphloteros. esti de to suphar kai ekduma tou opheôs kai tou tettigos, para tên lepida. kuriôs de, hôi periechetai to embruon tou boos. esti de touto kai tuphlon: tas gar opas monas echei tôn ophthalmôn. trichê de anagraphousi tên paroimian, tuphloteros, kenoteros kai gumnoteros.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; medicine; meter and music; mythology; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 13 July 2003@06:04:33.
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