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Adler number: gamma,451
Translated headword: Gregorios, Gregorius, Gregory
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Gregory,] bishop of Nyssa,[1] brother of Basil of
Caesarea,[2] was also himself a most famous man; though well versed in all aspects of culture he gained especially the attachment of those who take delight in eloquence. He was indeed of high repute in this art and brilliant among those who practiced it in those days. This man also composed a fine
Oration against Eunomius, [3] a marvellous book
On the Making of Man as well as a host of diverse homilies:
On the Song of Songs and
On Ecclesiastes; for his sister Macrina he also composed a long and brilliant exposition
on the soul. But he has written many things, including a wondrous
oration of praise for Stephen, the first of the martyrs. And he composed a
Life of Gregory who became famous for miracles.[4]
Greek Original:Grêgorios, Nussês episkopos, adelphos Basileiou tou Kaisareôs, anêr kai autos ellogimôtatos kai pasês huparchôn paideias anapleôs, proskeimenos de mallon tois têi rhêtorikêi chairousi. kai goun eudokimos en tautêi gegenêtai kai lampros ei tis allos tôn palai tautêi gegenêmenôn. houtos sunetaxe kat' Eunomiou logon exaireton kai teuchos thaumasion eis tên tou anthrôpou kataskeuên, allas te puknas kai sunecheis homilias. Eis te ta Aismata tôn aismatôn kai Eis ton Ekklêsiastên, kai pros tên adelphên Makrinan makron tina kai perikallê peri psuchês sunethêke logon. alla te polla gegraphêkei kai ton poluthaumaston epainon tou prôtou tôn marturôn Stephanou. kai Bion de sunetaxe Grêgoriou tou en thaumasi dialampsantos.
On famous men (in Greek translation) 136.
Biography from the Catholic Encyclopedia at web address 1.
[1] In Cappadocia.
[2] St. Basil the Great (
beta 150).
[3] For E. see generally
epsilon 3598.
[4] St. Gregory Thaumatourgos, Gregory the Wonderworker (
gamma 452).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Leemans Johan on 24 May 2000@08:47:19.
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