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Adler number: gamma,388
Translated headword: Gorgias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Charmantides, of Leontini.[1] Rhetor. A pupil of
Empedocles,[2] and teacher of
Polus of Acragas,[3] Pericles,[4]
Isocrates[5] and
Alcidamas of Elea,[6] who succeeded him as head of his school. He was the brother of the doctor Herodicus.
Porphyry places him in the 80th Olympiad;[7] but it has to be understood that he was older than that. This man was the first to give the rhetorical kind of education expressive force and artistry, making use of tropes, metaphors, allegory, hypallage, catachresis, hyperbaton, anadiplosis, epanalepsis, apostrophe and parisosis. He used to charge each of his pupils 100 minas. He lived 109 years, and composed many works.
Greek Original:Gorgias, Charmantidou, Leontinos, rhêtôr, mathêtês Empedokleous, didaskalos Pôlou Akragantinou kai Perikleous kai Isokratous kai Alkidamantos tou Eleatou, hos autou kai tên scholên diedexato: adelphos de ên tou iatrou Hêrodikou. Porphurios de auton epi tês p# Olumpiados tithêsin: alla chrê noein presbuteron auton einai. houtos prôtos tôi rhêtorikôi eidei tês paideias dunamin te phrastikên kai technên edôke, tropais te kai metaphorais kai allêgoriais kai hupallagais kai katachrêsesi kai huperbasesi kai anadiplôsesi kai epanalêpsesi kai apostrophais kai parisôsesin echrêsato. epratte de tôn mathêtôn hekaston mnas r#. ebiô de etê rth#, kai sunegrapsato polla.
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; geography; historiography; imagery; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 22 June 2000@14:54:34.
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