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Search results for epsilon,3234 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3234
Translated headword: he served as general with Erasinades
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In reference to the unfortunate.[1] From those who served as generals at Arginnousa [sic], to their misfortune. This man was publicly executed, both he and the remainder: Thrasyllos, Perikles[2] and the rest. And something rather extraordinary happened to Erasinades: being prosecuted for embezzling the monies to do with the Hellespont.
Greek Original:Estratêgêse met' Erasinadou: epi tôn dustuchôn. ek tôn peri Arginnousan stratêgêsantôn dustuchôs. apethane de dêmo- siai houtos te kai hoi hupomeinantes Thrasullos, Periklês kai hoi loipoi. egeneto de ti kai perittoteron tôi Erasinadêi, to kai klopês katêgorêthênai tôn peri Hellêsponton chrêmatôn.
The headword phrase is from
Frogs 1196 (web address 1) -- where however the proper form of the general's name is given: see under
epsilon 2895 -- and the entry as a whole was generated by ancient scholarly comment on it. The play was staged in the same year, 406 BCE, as the sea-battle between Athenian and Peloponnesian fleets at the
Arginousai islands, off
Lesbos; it was "a victory for the Athenians, but this was marred by the failure to pick up survivors from their crippled ships, when a storm arose" (OCD(4) s.v.). Most of the Athenian generals in command either went into exile or were tried and executed -- a trial precipitated by a prosecution of one of their number, Erasinides (sic), for embezzlement (see in full on this
Hellenika 1.7.1ff.: web address 2). Other references to this episode appear at
alpha 3764,
alpha 3778,
delta 234,
epsilon 2658,
kappa 1021.
[1] The phrase is not independently attested as a proverb (as this phrase implies).
[2] Son of the famous bearer of that name: see under
pi 1178.
Donald Kagan, The Fall of the Athenian Empire (Ithaca NY 1987) chaps. 13-14
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 September 2000@09:18:21.
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