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Adler number: epsilon,3036
Translated headword: Hermeias
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This philosopher [was] agreeable by nature and upright in his character. Having studied philosophy under the great
Syrianus,[1] in industry he was inferior to no one of his companions, nor even of his former fellow-student
Proclus[2] who later became [the successor][3] – nor [did he lack] love[4] of learning such things as philosophy offers truly worthy of love. He was[5] very shrewd and acute [...] so that he is said to have sworn to Aigyptos,[6] who was dying, that his soul[7] was immortal and imperishable. This bold declaration was enabled by his good life which denied the nature of the body and turned into itself and already at once perceived the separation [sc. of body and soul] and the immortality [of the soul]. For he was more deficient than accurate in that which concerns speaking, but well-practiced in virtue, so that not even Momus himself would find fault, nor either would envy hate him. Such gentleness was in the man and such righteousness.[8] For example, if he bought something from the dealers (this commonly happened with books), the seller being a common man, if it happened thus, would ask a price less than the value, but Hermeias would correct his mistake, and saying that the book was worth more he would give that much, not loving a bargain like other people, nor supposing that he was doing nothing wrong if he as a willing buyer made a purchase for any amount from a willing seller.[9] [He believed] that there was a kind of ambush and deceit in the matter, not one which speaks falsehood, but one which keeps quiet about the truth, so that it escaped most people’s notice that it was injustice, not forcible, but larcenous, not committing a risky theft like a highwayman, but although permitted by law nevertheless overthrowing justice. Such a man was Hermeias.
Greek Original:Hermeias: houtos ho philosophos epieikês phusei kai haplous to êthos. philosophêsas de hupo tôi megalôi Surianôi philoponiai men oudenos eleipeto tôn hetairôn, oude autou ge sunakroômenou tou palai Proklou gegonotos husteron: oude erôtos mathêmatôn, hoia parechetai philosophia tôi onti axierasta. anchinous de kai oxus sphodra ên hôste omômokenai legetai pros ton Aigupton teleutônta athanaton einai kai anôlethron tên psuchên. epoiei de touto to tharros hê euzôïa anainomenê tên tou sômatos phusin kai eis heautên epistrephousa kai sunaisthanomenê tou chôrismou kai antikrus êdê tês athanasias. ên gar ta men peri logous endeesteros ê kata tên akribeian, ta de pros aretên eu êskêmenos: hôste mêd' an ton Mômon auton epimômêsasthai, mêd' au misêsai ton phthonon. tosautê praiotês enên tôi andri kai toiautê dikaiosunê. toigaroun ei ti priaito tôn pôloumenôn [suchnon d' epi bibliois touto sunebainen], ho men pôlôn idiôtês ôn, an houtô tuchêi, timêma men apêitei tês axias elatton, ho de Hermeias epênôrthouto tên planên, kai pleionos einai phêsas axion to biblion tosouton an epedôken, ou kata tous allous agapêsas to hermaion, oude oiêtheis ara mêden adikein, ei hekôn para hekontos hotioun eônêsato. kai gar enedran tina eneinai tôi pragmati kai apatên, ou legousan to pseudos, alla siôpôsan tên alêtheian, hôste kai adikian ousan lanthanein tous pollous, ou biaion, alla klopimaian, oude epikindunon tina lêistou dikên kleptousan, all' hupo men tou nomou apheimenên, to de dikaion anatrepousan. toioutos ên ho Hermeias.
Life of Isidore fr. 122 Zintzen, 54 Athanassiadi (74 Asmus); cf.
Bibliotheca 341a 9-12, 18-33. See also
epsilon 3035.
For Hermeias' wife Aedesia, see
alphaiota 79; for his brother Gregory, see
gamma 453.
[1] Syrianos:
sigma 1662.
[2] Proklos:
pi 2473.
[3] Zintzen's edition supplies
tou= diado/xou (sc. as head of the Platonic Academy). Bernhardy conjectured
pa/nu for
pa/lai ("of his fellow student the famous
Proclus"). See Athanassiadi p. 153.
[4] Bernhardy conjectured
e)/rwti (dative) which would be more consistent with what precedes.
Photius has
ou)/ti "not."
[6] Aigyptos, uncle of Isidore: see
epsilon 3035. Athanassiadi (p. 155 n.129) says, "The passage must refer to Hermeias' own death rather than that of Aegyptus, though in the state in which it has been transmitted the text is ambiguous." But the Suda's text unambiguously indicates that Aigyptos was the one dying. It is not so clear whether Hermeias was ascribing immortality to Aigyptos' soul or to human souls in general.
[7] Or, "the soul."
[8] cf.
mu 1331.
[9] cf.
epsilon 3030.
P. Athanassiadi, Damascius, The Philosophical History. Athens 1999.
Keywords: biography; chronology; daily life; economics; ethics; law; philosophy; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 January 2008@23:10:23.
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