Suda On Line
Search results for epsilon,2981 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,2981
Translated headword: strives
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with a dative. [Meaning he/she/it] engages in rivalry.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the compound] a)pteri/zei, [used] similarly.[2]
Greek Original:Erizei: dotikêi. philoneikei. kai Apterizei homoiôs.
[1] Compare the
scholia to
Iliad 1.277 and 2.247 (and
Hesychius epsilon5826), where the same gloss occurs with present infinitive forms. If the Suda's present indicative is an authentic quotation, it might come from
Pindar or
[2] This addendum is lacking in mss FV. Whoever added it seems to have been under the impression that
a)pteri/zei (attested only here) was a compound form of the headword
e)ri/zei. In fact its meaning is obscure (something to do with being wingless?), and the connection may instead be with the verb illustrated at
pi 3010.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; poetry
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 8 June 2007@16:13:47.
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