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Search results for epsilon,1032 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,1032
Translated headword: in the way
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thucydides in [book] 8 [uses this word] to mean at hand. For he says: "only to examine the causes at hand, but to strive after nothing further with [one's?] intentions."[1]
Lycurgus in the [speech]
Against Lycophron [also uses it], to mean clear.[2]
Plato [uses it] to mean central.[3]
Isaeus [uses it] to mean recent and in one's hands; for he says in the restoration of liberty [speech] on behalf of Eumathes "but yesterday, men of
Athens; for this is entirely in the way"[4].
Hierocles, amongst others, used the word to mean impeding: he says in [book] 2 of
Philosophical Matters, about philosophers, "for which of them did not even marry and raise children and care for property, if there was nothing impeding it?".[5]
"Since he who does not know is more trustworthy than he who does know amongst those who do not know, as
Plato says,[6] Illous, once deceived by meditative babble, judged him more erudite than all the teachers of Constantine.[7] Hence he gave him much encouragement from the public funds".[8]
Greek Original:Empodôn: Thoukudidês ê# anti tou procheirous. phêsi gar: tas empodôn aitias monon episkopein, porrôterô de mêden eporegesthai tais dianoiais. Lukourgos de en tôi kata Lukophronos, anti tou phaneron. Platôn de anti tou en mesôi. Isaios de anti tou hupoguon kai en chersi: phêsi gar en têi huper Eumathous eis eleutherian aphairesei, alla to prôïzon, ô andres Athênaioi: touti gar pantelôs empodôn einai. echrêsato de têi lexei Hieroklês te kai alloi anti tou empodiou: phêsin en b# philosophoumenôn peri tôn philosophôn: tis gar autôn ouchi kai egême kai paidas aneilato kai ousias epemelêthê, mêdenos empodôn ontos; epei ho ouk eidôs tou eidotos en ouk eidosin, hôs eipe Platôn, pithanôteros huparchei. phenakistheis Illous memerimnêmenêi stômuliai logiôteron pantôn ekrine paideutôn tês Kônstantinou. dio kai pollên autôi didôsi paramuthian ek tôn dêmosiôn.
For this headword see also
epsilon 1033,
epsilon 1034.
[1] This quotation, also in other lexica, does not occur in the transmitted text of
Thucydides 8 (or indeed anywhere else, in any author).
Lycurgus fr. 66 Conomis (71 B-S).
Timaeus 25D.
Isaeus fr. 68 B-S.
Hierocles fr. 1 von Arnim.
Gorgias 459B.
[7] So the transmitted text; Kuster emended to 'of Constantinople'.
Damascius fr. 178 Zintzen (109 Asmus); cf. more fully at
pi 137. Why this extract is appended to the present entry is not clear.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; gender and sexuality; historiography; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 14 March 2007@07:29:31.
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