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Adler number: delta,523
Translated headword: Diagoras
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
Diagoras], son of Telekleides or Teleklytos; a Melian, a philosopher and a lyric poet; whom
Democritus from
Abdera,[1] seeing that he was naturally talented, bought -- since he was a slave -- for ten thousand drachmas and made a pupil. And he also applied himself to the lyric art, being in time after
Pindar and
Bacchylides, but older than
Melanippides:[2] he flourished in the 78th Olympiad.[3] And he was called Atheos since he held such an opinion, after the time when someone of the same art, being accused by him of stealing a paean which he himself had made, swore he did not steal this, and performing it a short while later, met with success. Thereupon
Diagoras, being upset, wrote the so-called
Apopyrgizontes Logoi, which includes his withdrawal and falling away from his belief concerning the divine.[4] But
Diagoras, settling in Corinth, lived out his life there.
Greek Original:Diagoras, Têlekleidou, ê Têleklutou, Mêlios, philosophos kai aismatôn poiêtês: hon euphua theasamenos Dêmokritos ho Abdêritês ônêsato auton doulon onta muriôn drachmôn kai mathêtên epoiêsato. ho de kai têi lurikêi epetheto, tois chronois ôn meta Pindaron kai Bakchulidên, Melanippidou de presbuteros: êkmaze toinun oê# Olumpiadi. kai epeklêthê Atheos dioti touto edoxazen, aph' hou tis homotechnos aitiatheis hup' autou hôs dê paiana aphelomenos, hon autos epepoiêkei, exômosato mê keklophenai touton, mikron de husteron epideixamenos auton euêmerêsen. enteuthen oun ho Diagoras lupêtheis egrapse tous kaloumenous Apopurgizontas logous, anachôrêsin autou kai ekptôsin echontas tês peri to theion doxês. katoikêsas de Korinthon ho Diagoras autothi ton bion katestrepsen.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; philosophy; poetry; religion
Translated by: Jason Karnes on 6 May 2002@14:00:58.
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