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Search results for delta,1145 in Adler number:
Adler number: delta,1145
Translated headword: Diogenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Because
Diogenes had a son in love[1] and because he was a harsh father, he did not condone his son’s brashness, but shutting him up and hindering his desire, he sharpened the passion all the more. And the vehemence of the evil was terrible, for the love flared up. Since the father stood in his way, the young man was impelled even more into his present disease. When [
Diogenes] saw that the ill was battling back stubbornly, he came to
Delphi and in his vexation and distress asked if the boy would ever leave off being sick. And she [the Pythia] spoke as follows:[2] "the boy will cease from love when with lightness of youth he will have consumed his mind with the lovely passion of the Cyprian.[3] Thus calm your pitiless anger and do not increase it by trying to prevent it,[4] for you are acting against your intent. But if you arrive at composure, the magic (of love) will quickly be obliterated and he, being sobered, will cease from his shameful impulse." When he heard this,
Diogenes calmed his passion and was filled with good hope, having worthy assurances of his son’s self-control; and thereby he became a better father, for he had become milder and gentler in nature. This, too, the tragic hero Haemon,
Sophocles’ [character], demonstrated, when he was in love with Antigone and quarreled with his father Creon [
Myth]; for you see he likewise charged with a sword to his love and settled matters with his father in respect of the disease.[5]
Greek Original:Diogenês: hoti Diogenês eichen erônta paida kai pikros ôn patêr ou suneginôske neou rhaithumiai, alla aneirgôn auton kai anastellôn tou pothou mallon hoi to pathos parôxune. kai ên tou kakou deinê epitasis: exerripizeto gar ho erôs, empodôn histamenou tou Diogenous, kai es tên parousan noson mallon exêpteto ho neos. hêken oun eis Delphous, hôs heôra philoneikon on to kakon, kai dusanaschetôn te hama kai perialgôn erôtai, ei hoi pepautai nosôn pote ho pais. hê de, hôs eiden ou pantê phrenêrê geronta oude erôtikais sungnômona anankais, legei tauta: lêxei pais sos erôtos, hotan kouphêi neotêti Kupridos himeroenti kataphlechthêi phrenas oistrôi. orgên oun prêünon ameidea mêd' epiteinein kôluôn: prasseis gar enantia soisi logismois. ên d' eph' hêsuchiên elthêis, lêthên tachos hexei philtron kai nêpsas aischras katapausetai hormês. akousas toinun ho Diogenês tauta ton men thumon katestoresen, elpidos de hupeplêsthê chrêstês, echôn tês tou paidos sôphrosunês enguêtas axiochreôs: kai en tautôi beltiôn egeneto ho patêr hêmerôtheis te kai praüntheis ton tropon. touto toi kai ho tragikos Ahimôn, ho tou Sophokleous, apedeixato, tês Antigonês erôn kai pikrôi zugomachôn patri tôi Kreonti: kai gar toi kai ekeinos homoiôs elaunomenos xiphei pros ton erôta kai ton patera tên noson dielusato.
[1] This can hardly be the famous
Diogenes the Cynic (
delta 1141,
delta 1143,
delta 1144), who advocated and practiced free love -- and the only home he could have shut his son into would have been a large pithos-jar. Nor do any of the other known Diogeneses (for a selection see Diog.Laert. 6.81; OCD(4) 457) readily suggest themselves, but the name must have been common: "Zeus-born."
Adler identifies this entry as
Aelian fr. 103 Hercher (= fr. 106 in the more recent Domingo-Forasté edition (Teubner 1994) of
[2] The priestess’s response appears, according to literary convention, in hexameter verse.
[3] Aphrodite of
Cyprus (cf.
kappa 2738).
[4] cf.
alpha 1567, end.
Antigone 1175-77, elaborated at 1192-1243. The "likewise" (
o(moi/ws) is odd.
Keywords: biography; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; medicine; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Oliver Phillips â on 13 October 2001@22:26:35.
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