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Adler number: delta,1062
Translated headword: Dikaiarkhos, Dicaearchus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Pheidias, Sicilian, from the city of Messene.[1] Pupil[2] of
Aristotle. Philosopher and rhetorician and geometrician. [He wrote] [3]
Measurements of the Mountains in the Peloponnese[4];
Life of Hellas in 3 books.[5]
This man wrote the
Constitution of the Spartans; and a law was enacted in Lakedaimon that each year the story should be read out in the archive of the Ephors and that the men of youthful age should listen. And this persisted for a long time.[6]
Greek Original:Dikaiarchos, Pheidiou, Sikeliôtês, ek poleôs Messênês, Aristotelous akoustês, philosophos kai rhêtôr kai geômetrês. Katametrêseis tôn en Peloponnêsôi orôn, Hellados bion en bibliois g#. houtos egrapse tên politeian Spartiatôn: kai nomos etethê en Lakedaimoni kath' hekaston etos anaginôskesthai ton logon eis to tôn Ephorôn archeion, tous de tên hêbêtikên echontas hêlikian akroasthai. kai touto ekratei mechri pollou.
OCD(4) s.v. '
Dicaearchus' (p.447), by C.B.R. Pelling.
One of the giants of Hellenistic geography, perhaps the most immediately relevant predecessor to
Eratosthenes (so
Strabo, anyway).
[1] Modern Messina.
[2] Literally 'listener', 'hearer'. Dikaiarkhos' floruit is placed c.320-300 BC.
[3] Only a selection of his writings are specified here; for the full range see the bibliography cited below.
[4] Apart from
Strabo, who mentions Dikaiarkhos by name about a dozen times, the main source for the mountain measuring (with reference to instruments) is
Theon of
On the Mathematical Knowledge Useful for Reading Plato, 3.3.
[5] This '
Life of Greece' was a history of world culture.
Dicaearchus 2 Mirhady.
RE suppl. xi. 526-34.
Kleine Pauly, ii. 19-21.
D.C. Mirhady, "Dicaearchus of Messana: The Sources, Text and Translation," in W. Fortenbaugh and E. Schütrumpf (eds), Dicaearchus of Messana: Text, Translation, and Discussion, 2000, 1-142.
Keywords: biography; constitution; geography; history; law; mathematics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 18 April 2001@07:02:11.
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