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Adler number: chi,568
Translated headword: Chrysippus, Chrysippos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
Apollonides; of
Soloi or Tarsus.[1] He was a philosopher, pupil of
Cleanthes,[2] and he led the Stoic school after
Cleanthes.[3] He died at the age of 73 because he drank immoderately and fainted. However others say that in the 143rd Olympiad[4] he died because he split his sides laughing too much.[5] He wrote more than seven hundred books about philosophical, historical and grammatical subjects.[6]
Greek Original:Chrusippos, Apollônidou, Soleus ê Tarseus, philosophos, mathêtês Kleanthous, kathêgêsamenos tês Stôïkês scholês meta Kleanthên. kai teleutêsas o# kai triôn etôn, hupo tou piein akraton kai ilingiasai: kata de allous hupo gelôtos apeirou: epi rmg# olumpiados. suntetache de biblia pleion ê ps# philosopha te kai historika kai grammatika.
c.280-207 BCE. See generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.316), also MacTutor at web address 1, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy at web address 2, and cf.
chi 567,
chi 569.
Chrysippus was the principal systematizer of Stoicism. He is considered to have been, with
Zeno, co-founder of the Stoa. He wrote on areas of philosophy defined by
Zeno: logic, ethics, and physics. He was among the first to organise propositional logic as an intellectual discipline. The information of this passage derives from
Diogenes Laertius 7.179-189, where D.L. sometimes also mentions his sources.
[1] D.L. 7.179 (SVF II,1,2) says that he knows this from Alexander Polyhistor (fr. 145 Mueller = 91 Jacoby). who seems to introduce the uncertainty over
Soloi and Tarsus as birthplace of
Strabo (14.5.8; SVF II,2,32), Galen (
Protrepticus 7; SVF II,3,2), and
Pausanias (1.17.2; SVF 3,19) state that
Chrysippus was born in
Soloi, and
Strabo adds that his parents emigrated from
Soloi in
Cyprus to Tarsus in
Cilicia, early in the third century BCE, which was a period of great conflicts in this area.
[2] cf.
kappa 1711.
[3] According to D.L. 7.179 (SVF II,1,4) either
Zeno or
Cleanthes was
Chrysippus' mentor; however, this evidence is questionable if
Zeno died in 263. The Suda is clearly correct.
[4] 208-205 BCE.
[5] Both versions of
Chrysippus' death are present in D.L. 7184-185. For the first, D.L. takes the testimony of
Hermippus (fr.51 Mueller) and
Apollodorus (fr.46 Jacoby). For the second, he explains the situation that produced
Chrysippus' laugh: seeing a donkey eating some figs, he suggested that the old woman who owned the donkey give it a glass of wine. He then broke into a fit of laughter that ended up killing him.
[6] D.L. 7.180 says that
Chrysippus wrote more than 750 works and gives (7.189-202) a catalogue ordered by subjects.
Hans von Arnim, Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, 4 vol. (1905-24)
Max Pohlenz, Die Stoa, 2 vol. (1948-49)
Josiah B. Gould, The Philosophy of Chrysippus (1970)
Jason L. Saunders, Greek and Roman Philosophy After Aristotle (1966)
Emile Brehier, Chrysippe et l'ancien stoicisme (1951)
A.A Long & D.N. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers (1987)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Claudia Mársico on 10 November 1999@05:25:56.
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