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Search results for chi,318 in Adler number:
Adler number: chi,318
Translated headword: Chionides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Athenian, a comic poet of Old Comedy; [the one] who they go as far as to call the protagonist of Old Comedy, [saying that] he produced a play eight years before the Persian Wars. His plays include the following:
Hero [Author, Myth],
Persians or
Greek Original:Chiônidês, Athênaios, kômikos tês archaias kômôidias: hon kai legousi prôtagônistên genesthai tês archaias kômôidias, didaskein de etesin oktô pro tôn Persikôn. tôn dramatôn autou esti kai tauta: Hêrôs, Ptôchoi, Persai ê Assurioi.
alpha 280, and see generally K.J. Dover in OCD(4) s.v.; Kassel-Austin, PCG IV pp.72-76.
Keywords: biography; chronology; comedy; geography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 29 April 2003@09:08:15.
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