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Adler number: alpha,4329
Translated headword: a man impervious to exhortations
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is neither soaking up nor admitting encouragement, but is hard, like rock, or like something else which is hard, so that he is not soaked through even by water.[1]
Sophocles [writes]: "but thus you will appear impervious and impracticable."[2] Meaning unsympathetic, tearless. For
te/ggein ["to moisten"] [is] to wet. But "impracticable" [
a)teleu/thtos] [means] inexorable, unbiddable, relentless.
And elsewhere: "Marcus, being impervious and stubborn, able to withstand all troublesome things, withdrew, carried away by the calamities for humankind."[3]
And elsewhere: "fastening stones to their feet, they threw them into the sea imperviously and mercilessly."[4]
To impervious men [
a)te/gktois], to those not wet by tears or sweat.
Aelian [writes]: "casting everyone into pity and tears, so that both the impervious and tough cried."[5]
Also [sc. attested is the related adverb]
a)te/gktws ["imperviously"], [meaning] exceedingly.
"And priestesses at first attempted to calm him and hold him back from his anger. When he was disposed [to be] impervious and violent, those things which it is better not to see, those which were not his business, and those first things from which nothing terrible would be met with either by the audience or the players; they were able to see these things."[6]
And elsewhere: "things sufficient to persuade and abash the souls of those who had [souls] not in every way impervious and tough."[7]
Aelian [writes]: "this boy was impervious and cruel, and he set for himself laborious [tasks] and those which were of the utmost danger."[8]
Greek Original:Atenktos anthrôpos parêgorêmasin: ho mê brechomenos mête prosiemenos paramuthian, alla sklêros ôn hôs hê petra ê allo ti tôn sklêrôn, hôs mêde hupo hudatos brechesthai. Sophoklês: all' hôd' atenktos kai ateleutêtos phaneis. anti tou asumpathês, adakrutos. tengein gar to brechein. ateleutêtos de dusaxiôtos, dusparaklêtos, ameilichos. kai authis: ho de Markos atenktos ôn kai sterros, hoios hapasi tois aniarois antechein, ôicheto pheromenos hupo tôn pathôn epi to anthrôpinon. kai authis: lithous tôn podôn exartêsantes erripsan eis to pelagos atenktôs kai apheidôs. Atenktois, tois mête dakrusi mête hidrôsin abrochois. Ailianos: oikton ge mên kai dakrua embalousai pantas, hôs kai tous atenktous te kai ateramonas tenxai. kai Atenktôs, eschatôs. kai ta men prôta hiereiai epeirônto auton praünein kai antechein tês hormês. biaiôs de kai atenktôs diakeimenou, tôn men aporrêtôn kai ha mê idein lôion ên, toutôn ouk ekoinônoun hoi: tôn de prôtôn kai ex hôn oute tois theasamenois oute tois deixasin emelle ti apantêsesthai deinon, pareichon hoi blepein tauta. kai authis: hikana peithein kai dusôpein tas psuchas tôn mê pantapasin atenktous kai ateramonas tautas echontôn. Ailianos: ên de atenktos hode ho pais kai ameiliktos, kai hoi epetatten epipona kai kindunôn echomena tôn eschatôn.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword phrase is
Aeschylus fr.348 (some versions of which omit 'a man'). For the adjective
a)/tegktos see also
alpha 4330.
Oedipus Tyrannus 336 (web address 1 below). The two sentences which follow here are from the
scholia to this line.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus,
Roman Antiquities 8.45.1.
Aelian fr. 208a Domingo-Forasté (207 Hercher): cf.
delta 1092.
Aelian fr. 52b D-F (49 Hercher).
Aelian fr. 47b D-F (44 Hercher).
Life of Isidore fr.109 Zintzen (58 Asmus); cf.
epsilon 2424.
[8] Part of
Aelian fr. 72 D-F (69 Hercher); quoted more fully at
mu 497.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 24 March 2002@23:44:14.
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