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Search results for alpha,1827 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1827
Translated headword: necessary
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thus is the penis called, since it is a token of necessity.[1]
"They resorted to force out of necessity."[2] Meaning because of necessities.
Isaeus calls the [sc. Athenian] prison
a)nagkai=on.[3] But Callisthenes said
a)nwgai/wn and that is how, rather, it should be written.[4]
"What is necessary is that which, being true, is not capable of being false; or it
is capable, but external circumstances are adverse to its being false, such as 'virtue is beneficial'. What is not necessary is that which, while true, is able to be false, if no outside circumstances are adverse [to this]: such as '
Dion is walking'."[5]
Democritus the Abderite says: "nothing comes into being from that which is not, nor does it pass away into that which is not. And the atoms are unlimited in size and number, and they are borne swirling round in the whole [universe] and thus engendering all compounds: fire, water, air, earth. For these things are certain composites of atoms and which are unaffected and unchangeable on account of their firmness. Everything occurs by necessity, the vortex being the cause of the generation of all things, which he calls 'necessity'."[6] He divides the things which are into being or being out of necessity, as "man is an living thing." For what is in everything and for all time, this is out of necessity; likewise it is necessary that god be eternal. [I will distinguish] to the best of my ability those of the things which are possible which [happen] for the most part, [such as] man being five-fingered and going grey when he grows old, and those things [which happen] less, which are the opposite of these things, [such as] man being four- or six-fingered. For thus these [less likely] things are [implicitly possible] in the [more likely] things. Either for man to go grey as he grows old -- or not, to travel or to bathe -- or not.[7]
Greek Original:Anankaion: houtôs kaleitai to aidoion, epei tês anankês esti sumbolaion. hoi de pros alkên etraponto ek tou anankaiou. anti tou di' anankas. Isaios de anankaion to desmôtêrion kalei. Kallisthenês de anôgaiôn eipe kai houtôs dei mallon le- gesthai. Anankaion estin, hoper alêthes on ouk estin epidektikon tou pseudos einai: ê epidektikon men esti, ta de ektos autôi enantioutai pros to pseudos einai, hoion hê aretê ôphelei. ouk anankaion de estin, ho kai alêthes esti kai pseudos hoion te auto einai, tôn ektos mêden enantioumenôn: hoion peripatei Diôn. hoti Dêmokritos ho Abdêritês phêsi, mêden ek tou mê ontos ginesthai mêde eis to mêden on phtheiresthai. kai tas atomous de apeirous einai kata megethos kai plêthos, pheresthai de en tôi holôi dinoumenas kai houtô panta ta sunkrimata gennan, pur, hudôr, aera, gên. einai gar kai tauta ex atomôn tina sustêmata, haper einai apathê kai analloiôta dia sterrotêta. panta de kata anankên ginesthai, tês dinês aitias tês geneseôs ousês pantôn, hên anankên legei. diairei de ta onta eis to einai ê ex anankês einai, hôs ton anthrôpon zôion einai. ho gar panti te kai aei huparchei, touto ex anankês estin: homoiôs anankaion kai to ton theon aphtharton einai. ta de endechomenôs, kai toutôn tôn endechomenôn ta men hôs epi to pleiston hôs to ton anthrôpon pentadaktulon einai kai gêraskonta poliousthai, ta de ep' elatton, hôs ta toutois antikeimena, to ton anthrôpon tetradaktulon ê hexadaktulon einai. esti gar en toutois houtôs kai tauta. ê to mê poliousthai gêrônta ton anthrôpon ê mê, apodêmein ê louesthai ê mê.
Keywords: definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; law; medicine; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 March 2001@23:34:10.
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