The 'I am satisfied with' [sense] takes a dative: "Being satisfied with the good things that he already had." [1] But [sc. also used] with an accusative: "thou shalt love God with all thy soul."[2]
Agapô: to arkoumai dotikêi: agapôn tois huparchousin autôi agathois: aitiatikêi de: agapêseis ton theon ex holês psuchês.
(A marginal addition, Adler reports, in ms A.)
See also
alpha 150,
alpha 159,
alpha 160.
a)gapw=n toi=s u(pa/rxousin a)gaqoi=s:
Lysias 2.21 (web address 1) here omitting the crucial 'not' at the beginning of the phrase and adding an interpolated
a)gaph/seis to\n qeo/n Deuteronomy 6:5
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