Search results for alpha,1030 in Adler number:
Headword: Akrôtêriazô Adler number: alpha,1030 Translated headword: I amputate Vetting Status: high Translation:
[Used] with an accusative. [Meaning] I cut off the extremities.[1] Also [sc. attested is the related noun] a)krwthriasmo/s ["amputation"].[2]
Greek Original:
Akrôtêriazô: aitiatikêi. temnô ta akra. kai Akrôtêriasmos.
LSJ entry at web address 1.
cf. very generally alpha 1031
[1] Likewise Hesychius on the aorist participle a)krwthria/sas.
[2] cf. Pollux 1.12.