Guide to Writing Proofs
- A
formal proof is a series of statements. Each statement must either be a hypothesis (assumption)
or follow from previous statements in the proof and previously proven theorems. The proof must end with a statement
that is either the intended conclusion or that trivially implies the
intended conclusion. This is
not just a matter of style, it is the nature of logic.
- An
exposition of a proof is a piece of writing that convinces a reader that a
formal proof exists. It has
both less and more than a formal proof. Detailed, obvious steps are left out. But be sure that they really are
obvious to your audience. An
exposition of a proof mixes in human language statements to make the proof
more readable and to make clear what follows from what.
- A
series of mathematical equations with no English to connect them is not
acceptable. Do not write
equation 3
Rather write something like
have equation 1 from the hypotheses.
By taking x= 9, this implies equation 2. By the division theorem, we then have equation 3.
- On the
other hand, do not say too much.
Give only the facts that
are in the direct chain of implications from the hypotheses to the
conclusion. Do not restate a
fact 2 or more ways because you think it's a nice fact. State only what is really
needed. Do not give examples unless that's what's
asked for. Irrelevant
information only obfuscates what is being said. It makes it hard for the reader to follow because she
cannot figure out what the statements of the proof follow from. Notice that in texts, this sort of
stuff goes in the part between a proof and the next theorem.
- Do not
begin a proof by stating the conclusion of the theorem. This is completely
confusing. My standard assumption is that if you make any plain statement in a proof, you think that the
statements that come before
it imply it. If you want to
be able to refer to it
somewhere, write something like "We want to prove that
equation 1". Or
simple leave it out altogether, and be sure the proof ends with the conclusion. Or restate the entire problem.
- Say
what kind of proof you are writing.
Direct proof, proof by
contradiction, proof by induction. This helps the reader tremendously to know what to
- An
example is not a proof. A
picture is not a proof. 5
< 6 does not imply that for all x and y, x < y. Occasionally a proof is made
clearer by a picture or an example.
But they are not part of the proof, they are just for clarity. A picture or an example does not
imply anything (well, a counterexample can imply something is false, but
that's the only way an example proves something).
- Look
at the style in the homework solutions I give you and try to follow it in
your writing (or if you think it could be made clearer, develop a clearer