Welcome to CS 101!!
The Lecturer and Teaching Assistants of CS 101 want
to welcome you to CS 101. We hope you find this
course to be interesting, useful and stimulating.
Please feel that you can ask questions
and participate with your fellow students in a
friendly learning environment.
We are trying out some new ideas for teaching
the class this semester. We will be asking for
your feedback on these ideas regularly. Please
be as careful, thorough and honest as you can with
your answers. They will be carefully considered!
Attendance will be taken by a Canvas quiz on the content of the
lecture that is due midnight of Friday of the week the lecture is given.
The required lab sessions and optional lab sessions will be done
by meetings with your TA at the time your section is scheduled
during the week.
If you are having trouble learning, please let us know! If you know
something we can do to make it easier to learn, please let us know!
Open Labs
- Will happen at their scheduled times section times
- The TA for the corresponding section will be at the lab in RGAN 211.
- If you attend an Open Lab with your TA, you get a bonus point.
Office Hours throughout the week
- Some office hours will be in-person, in either EE Annex 205 or RGAN 103.
Some office hours will be held through Zoom.
Zoom Links for the office hours will be posted on Canvas,
- will be held when scheduled
Office hours
- As usual, you don't have to attend the office hours if you don't need to.
Zybook Assignments
- The book is online, you read and do the exercises in the book online.
You get feedback in the Gradebook on Canvas.
- Lectures will take place in Chemistry-Physics Building 139 (day) and Ralph G. Anderson 203 (night) at the regularly scheduled times.
- Attendance will be taken by a small cooperative exercise. It will be posted on Canvas as a Quiz
just before or after the lecture is live.
It can be answered any time until midnight of the Friday of that week.
- The quiz will deal with material from the lecture.
- You can use your notes, the textbook, the lecture slides.
You can ask your neighbor, your TA, Dr. Keen.
- if you miss a deadline, please let Dr. Keen know!
- We are being very reasonable about excuses at this time. They will be accepted electronically.