Grades are determined by: | |
Midterm Written Test | 250 |
Final Written Test | 250 |
Lab Test 1 on Windows/Excel | 90 |
Lab Test 2 on MS Excel | 100 |
Lab Test 3 on MS Access | 110 |
HTML Project | 56 |
Alice Project | 40 |
Zybook Homework | 22 |
Attendance at Lectures | 56 |
Attending First Lab First Lab Tasks | 10 |
Attendance at Last Lab | 16 |
Your grade is calculated as a percentage of 1000 points. That is the sum of the components of the class. Each attendance at lecture (Quiz) is worth 2 points.
Grading Scale: | 90-100% = A |
80-89.9% = B | |
70-79.9% = C | |
60-69.9% = D | |
below 60 = E |