If you are using Winzip, use these instructions.
If you are using Windows XP or Vista or Win7, see the instructions below.
There is a tutorial on Zipping at
this site
And here is a more general site about compression.
Depending on how the machine you are at is set up,
you may be able to
run Winzip as a choice from the Start menu.
It is possible you may have to doubleclick
the My Computer icon, then C drive, Program Files,
Winzip, and double click the Winzip32 icon to run the program.
Once you have Winzip running,
choose File / New Archive
or the New icon on the toolbar.
Browse to the correct folder where you want the zip file
to go,
and type in the filename to name the new zip file.
Note that people get confused right here - many times Winzip
remembers where the last zip file was created and starts out
there - it may NOT be where YOU want your zip file to be.
Usually you want to put the zip file in the same folder as
where the files are that you want to zip up.
Then Winzip will ask you what files to add.
You browse to the correct folder and choose the files.
You can do it one file at a time, or several at once
(by holding down the ctrl or shift key as you click).
You can add more later by clicking the Add icon on the toolbar.
Click Add.
The zip file will be created in the folder you browsed to first.
You should see the icon for the new zip file.
You can doubleclick on it to open it and see that it has in it
the files that you wanted.
You can repeat this process as many times as you like to add more
files to a zip file or to create more zip files.
Close Winzip when you are finished.
Windows Win7, Win8, Win10 Instructions
Double click on the My Computer icon, go to the folder where
you have the files you want to zip.
- Choose one of the files and right click on it.
The file menu will pop up.
- Choose "Send to", then choose the first choice on
the menu that comes up, "Compressed File".
- The zip file will be named the same as the name of the file
you are zipping, with a zip extension.
It will be put in the same folder as the original file.
- If you have more than one file to zip, you can select them
all (hold down the Control key and click) before you right click,
OR you can create the zip file with one file inside it, then
just drag and drop the other files' icons onto the zip file icon
to add them to the zip file.
You should see the icon for the new zip file.
You can doubleclick on it to open it and see that it has in it
the files that you wanted.