How to Create a New OpenGL C++ Project
With the libraries installed and the custom template in place, you can create a new
openGL C++ project as follows:
1. Start Visual Studio (the 2019 or higher version), and click "New Project".
2. Choose your OpenGL template on the upper left, then click "Next".
3. Give your project a name, then click "Create".
4. Switch from "x86" to "x64" using the dropdown box at the top.
5. Back to Windows, navigate to the folder that VS created that matches the name of
your newly created project. Inside there should be another subfolder of the same
6. Copy any files that comprise your application into the same folder. This includes
any .cpp source files, .h header files, .glsl shader files, texture image files,
and .obj 3D model files that your application uses. It isn't necessary to specify
any header files that were already built into the template.
7. Also put the "glew32.dll" file into the same subfolder.
8. In the solution explorer on the right, right click on "Source Files" and choose
Existing Item" to load your main.cpp file. Repeat the process for other .cpp
9. Also in the solution explorer on the right, right click on "Header Files" and
choose "Add
Existing Item" to load any header (.h) files in your application.
10. Then build and execute your program.
After developing, testing and debugging your application, it can be deployed as a
stand-alone executable by building the project in "Release" mode and then placing
the following files in a single folder:
* the .exe file generated from building your project
* all shader files used by your application
* all texture images and model files used by your application
* glew32.dll