Fall, 2008
Homework 9 (20 points)
Due: November 27, 2008 (Thursday)


1. (Polygon Clipping)
   To ensure a given polygon is clipped properly against a window,
   sometimes we have to use Weiler-Atherton's clipping algorithm.
   For that particular algorithm, if we are clipping a polygon 
   against the left boundary of a window, where should we start the
   clipping process? Justify your answer. (10 points)

   To ensure proper output of the process, clipping should start with
   the lower left vertex of the polygon on the OUT side of the bounding

2. (Rendering of B-spline Curve Segments)
   To render a cubic B-spline curve segment, one possibility is to
   convert the B-spline control points P0, P1, P2, and P3 into Bezier
   control points Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3, using the following formula

                 Q1 = P1 + (P2 - P1)/3
                 Q2 = P1 + 2(P2 - P1)/3
                 A  = P1 + (P0 - P1)/3
                 B  = P2 + (P3 - P2)/3
                 Q0 = (A + Q1)/2
                 Q3 = (B + Q2)/2

   and then render it using techniques developed for cubic Bezier
   curve segments. Why do we know Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3 defined the
   above way are the Beizer control points of the cubic B-spline
   curve? (5 points)

   It is sufficient to show that a Bezier curve representation using
   Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3 as the control points can be converted to a
   B-spline curve representation with P0, P1, P2 and P3 as its
   control points.

   C(t) = (1-t)^3[Q0] + 3t(1-t)^2[Q1] + 3t^2(1-t)[Q2] + t^3[Q3]

        = (1-t)^3[(P1 + (P0-P1)/3 + P1 + (P2-P1)/3)/2]
          + 3t(1-t)^2[P1 + (P2-P1)/3] + 3t^2(1-t)[P1 + 2(P2-P1)/3]
          + t^3[(P2 + (P3-P2)/3 + P1 + 2(P2-P1)/3)/2]

        = (1-t)^3/6[P0 + 4P1 + P2] + t(1-t)^2[2P1 + P2]
          + t^2(1-t)[P1 + 2P2] + t^3/6[P1 + 4P2 + P3]

        = (1-t)^3/6[PO]
          + (4(1-t)^3/6 + 2t(1-t)^2 + t^2(1-t) + t^3/6)[P1] 
          + ((1-t)^3/6 + t(1-t)^2 + 2t^2(1-t) + 4t^3/6)[P2]
          + t^3/6[P3]

        = (1-t)^3/6[PO] + (4-6t^2+3t^3)/6[P1] 
          + (1+3t+3t^2-3t^3)/6[P2] + t^3/6[P3].

3. (Homogeneous Coordinates)
   What is the main reason for us to use homogeneous coordinates in
   computer graphics? Why?  (5 points)

   Using homogeneous coordinates, all transformations can be represented
   as vector-matrix multiplications, including translation. Hence, even
   multiple transformations have been performed, since the corresponding
   matrices can be accumulated into a single matrix, we only need to do
   one vector-matrix multiplication to implemet all those transformations.


Put you solution set in a text file and send the text file to the grader
(xuwei.liang@uky.edu) before midnight of the due day.

           CS535 (Fall 2008)
           Solution of Homework 9
           Due: 11/27/08
           Name: xxxxxx xxxxxx