CS335 Fall, 2008 Homework 8 (20 points) Due: November 20, 2008 (Thursday) ************************************************************************ 1. (Curves) A uniform cubic B-spline curve defined by 12 control points Pi, 0 <= i <= 11, has 9 segments. How is the third segment of this curve defiend? (5 points) Solution: The third segment is defined by control points P0, P1, P2 and P3. See the following figure for an illustration.
2. (curves) In the above uniform cubic B-spline curve, if we move control point P5 to a new localtion, how many segments would be affected? which segments? (5 points) Solution: P5 is used in the definition of segments C3, C4, C5 and C6, but not the other segments. Therefore these four segments are the only segments that will be affected. See the following figure for an illustration.
3. (Clipping) Why is clipping necessary? What would happen if clipping is not performed or not performed properly? (10 points) Solution: Clipping is necessary because, otherwise, we would get wrap-around effect which is caused by internal register overflow.
************************************************************************ Put you solution set in a text file and send the text file to the grader (xuwei.liang@uky.edu) before midnight of the due day. CS535 (Fall 2008) Solution of Homework 8 Due: 11/20/08 Name: xxxxxx xxxxxx