CS335 Fall, 2008 Homework 7 (20 points) Due: November 13, 2008 (Thursday) ************************************************************************ 1. (Subdivision) It was shown in class that by performing a mid-point subdivision on the control points of a cubic Bezier curve segment, we split the curve into two segments, each with its own control points. Why is the mid-point subdivision technique important? (explain to me its application in Bezier curve rendering and curve intersection point computation) (10 points) 1. (Forward Differencing) Using forward differencing technique to render a cubic polynomial curve, one only needs three additions for each point. By far, this is the most efficient way to render a cubic polynomial curve. But this technique has a problem. What is it and why? (10 points) ************************************************************************ Put you solution set in a text file and send the text file to your grader (xuwei.liang@uky.edu) before midnight of the due day. CS535 (Fall 2008) Solution of Homework 7 Due: 11/13/08 Name: xxxxxx xxxxxx