Fall, 2008
Homework 6 (20 points)
Due: November 6, 2008 (Thursday)


1. (Polygon Filling)
   Let V0, V1, ... V9 be the vertices of a polygon (in counter-clock-
   wise order) defined as follows: 

        V0 = (1, 2)
        V1 = (6, 11)
        V2 = (11, 2)
        V3 = (11, 12)
        V4 = (9, 21)
        V5 = (9, 9)
        V6 = (6, 21)
        V7 = (3, 9)
        V8 = (3, 21)
        V9 = (1, 12)

   Build a Bucket-Sorted Edge Table for this polygon. Assuming the
   resolution of the screen is  20x22.   (10 points)

2. (Bezier Curves)
   Bezier curves satisfy "convex hull" property. That is, the curve
   is always contained in the convex hull of its control points.
   Why?  Justify your answer. (5 points)

3. There are several methods to compute points of a cubic Bezier curve.
   These methods include: Horner's rule, Forward differencing, and
   recurrence formula. Horner's rule and recurrence formula have been
   discussed in class. Which method is more efficient to compute a
   point of a cubic Bezier curve and why?  (5 points)


Put you solution set in a text file  and send the text file to the
grader (xuwei.liang@uky.edu) before midnight of the due day.

           CS535 (Fall 2008)
           Solution of Homework 6
           Due: 11/6/08
           Name: xxxxxx xxxxxx