Fall, 2008
Homework 1 (20 points)
Due: September 9, 2008 (Tuesday)


1. Describe in a few sentences the steps that are necessary to compile
   and run a Java applet and a Java application (stand-alone program).
   (2 pts)

2. Define each of these terms:  applet, API, JVM, class.
   (4 pts)

3. Write a Java application to output the following message in the
   standard output window. (7 pts)

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      * *  This is my first Java program!

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4. Write a Java applet that shows the above message in a web page.
   (7 pts)


Put you solution set in a text file with the following header and
email that text file before midnight of the due day to me

           CS335 (Fall 2008)
           Solution of Homework 1
           Due: 9/9/08
           Name: xxxxxx xxxxxx

The answer to Problem 3 (and 4 as well) should be the exact content of 
a .java file so we can easily edit it and test it.