I believe I am qualified to be the Chair of the CS Department because I have a strong record of research and professional accomplishments, strong leadership ability, devotion to education and commitment to faculty governance. The Department offers plenty of challenges and opportunities to the next Chair. If I become the Chair of the CS Department, here are some of the things I will do: (1) Keep the faculty, staff, and students abreast of the developments at higher levels and more actively involve all faculty members in the decision making. This may involve holding faculty meetings more often. (2) Increasing the research productivity of the Department will be a high priority item for me. Research productivity is mainly judged by peer-reviewed publications, graduated Ph.D. students, and external funding. To become a prominent CS Department nationally, the Department must excel in research. (3) I will meet every PhD student in the Department once year on one-to-one basis to review his/her progress, discuss the difficulties he/she is facing, and give appropriate advice. (4) The quality of instruction is very important for me. I will closely monitor the quality of teaching (mainly through course evaluations) and take necessary corrective actions (as and when needed). (5) Revamping the undergraduate curriculum will a high priority item for me. With the faculty members, I will critically examine the undergraduate curriculum and make necessary changes to insure that we are graduating students who are well-equipped with a solid foundation, knowledge and skills to succeed. (6) I will make efforts to increase (the sagging) undergraduate enrollment. I will investigate the cause and take remedial actions. (7) Increasing the quantity and quality of Ph.D. students in the Department will be a high priority item for me. (8) I will address the salary inversion problem with the faculty (and staff) salaries. Also, I will strive to insure that TA and RA salaries are competitive and their working environment is productive and conducive. (9) I will regularly meet with the staff members and address their concerns. (10) I will promote faculty members and the Department within the College/University and to outside agencies and the industry. I will nominate faculty members to various internal and external awards and recognitions. (11) I will be pro-active in my administration and management style. (12) I will make every possible effort to bring more faculty, staff, and TA/Fellowships lines to the Department. (13) Since the Executive Committee represents the whole faculty and makes decisions on the behalf of the whole faculty, I will allow faculty members to elect the members of the Executive Committee (rather than hand-picking the people of my choice). So I will strive for more democracy. (14) I will have open-door policy. I will allow a faculty, staff, and student to walk into my office any time and discuss his or her concerns. I may set aside two hours every Friday afternoon for this purpose. (15) I will every effort to fill an open endowed chair professor position. The challenge is to hire a person with international reputation who can help the Department move to the next level. (16) Currently, the CS faculty is housed in two buildings which are 0.5 mile apart on the campus and this creates problems. I will work hard for a new building that will house the entire CS faculty. (17) Finally, I will vigorously and vigilantly protect the interests of the faculty, staff, and students in the Department and try my best to make it an excellent place to work. Clearly, the Chair of the CS Department is a position with tremendous responsibilities and it requires sacrifices. I believe I have necessary qualifications, motivation and drive, and skills to undertake the job.