*th/qea: o)/strea. i)ste/on o(/ti kai\ tou/tois e)xrw=nto oi( palaioi/, kai/toi th=s tou/twn e)dwdh=s ou) polu\ e)xou/shs to\ h(du\ kai\ w)fe/limon.
[1] Likewise in other lexica (references at
Photius tau235 Theodoridis), and cf. also the
scholia to
Iliad 16.747, where the accusative plural headword occurs (Patroclus' jibe about Cebriones, quoted under
tau 472). On this noun see the LSJ entry at web address 1:
to/; perhaps a back-formation from
thqe/wn, which were forms of
th/quon. For the more commonplace glossing noun see
omicron 720.
[2] This addendum to the entry was not identified by Adler is but identifiable via the TLG as an approximation of
Deipnosophists 1.13C (1.22 Kaibel). See also, more generally, 88A-B (including the lexicographers' equivalence), 90B.
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