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Search results for phi,289 in Adler number:
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Headword: *figaleu/s
Adler number: phi,289
Translated headword: Phigaleian
Vetting Status: high
The man from the deme [sc. of this name] of Arkadia. And the deme [is called] Phigaleia.
Greek Original:
*figaleu/s: o( a)po\ tou= dh/mou *)arkadi/as. kai\ o( dh=mos *figa/leia.
Phigaleia was a small polis(sic) in western Arkadia; Stephanus of Byzantium s.v.; Barrington Atlas map 58 grid B3. Its ethnikon, here, is perhaps quoted from Herodotus 6.83.2 (the diviner Kleandros), though see also Lycophron, Alexandra 212, with scholion.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; poetry; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 December 2000@04:39:45.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead on 6 September 2002@12:03:36.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Corrected typo) on 12 December 2003@11:50:14.
David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords; cosmetics) on 9 August 2011@05:48:58.
David Whitehead on 8 December 2013@07:39:01.
David Whitehead on 31 May 2016@03:29:44.


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