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Search results for omicron,570 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,570
Translated headword: the city being on tenterhooks in these circumstances
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning in a state of flux and fear.
Hyperides says [this]. [Compare the phrase] "our country was on tenterhooks".
Aeschines [uses it] to mean impassive and undecided.[1]
Polybios [writes]: "when all this had been reported to the Carthaginians, the city was on tenterhooks and terrified, as it was unclear what to expect".[2]
Greek Original:*)orqh=s de\ th=s po/lews ou)/shs e)pi\ tou/tois: a)nti\ tou= kekinhme/nhs kai\ pefobhme/nhs. *(uperi/dhs fhsi/n: o)rqh=s d' h(mi=n th=s patri/dos ou)/shs. *ai)sxi/nhs de\ a)nti\ tou= a)paqou=s kai\ a)kerai/ou. kai\ *polu/bios: tou/twn de\ prosaggelqe/ntwn toi=s *karxhdoni/ois, o)rqh\ kai\ peri/fobos h)=n h( po/lis dia\ th\n a)dhlo/thta tw=n prosdokwme/nwn.
[1] Adler misunderstood this part of the entry, and therefore led her readers astray: by declaring that nothing relevant could be found in
Aeschines, and by punctuating, accordingly, with a colon after '
Hyperides says' (so as to suggest that what he said was the phrase
following it). Same misleading punctuation, latterly, in
Photius omicron464 Theodoridis. However, it is orthodox to regard the headword phrase itself as the quotation from
Hyperides: fr.39 Jensen. To make this clear, a full stop is the preferable mark of punctuation after '
Hyperides says'; and in fact the second quotation given is
Aeschines 2.163 (
o)rqh=s h(mi=n th=s patri/dos ou)/shs).
Polybius 36.6.2 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@07:22:17.
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