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Search results for omicron,504 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)orga/s
Adler number: omicron,504
Translated headword: meadow
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] land which is good and fertile and smooth and at its peak.[1]
"Pericles blamed the Megarians [for the fact] that they had cultivated the sacred land, the orgas".[2]
"Either to apportion the relevant meadow or to control the price by [---] alone". [This is said] about Romulus and Remus.[3]
And elsewhere: "having split the back of a well-ploughed meadow".[4]
Greek Original:
*)orga/s: h( eu)/geios kai\ su/mfutos kai\ lipara\ kai\ a)kmai/a gh=. e)neka/lese de\ o( *periklh=s toi=s *megareu=sin, o(/ti th\n i(era\n gh=n th\n o)rga/da e)gew/rghsan. h)\ th\n prosh/kousan o)rga/da katane/mein h)\ th\n timh\n mo/nois diakratei=n. peri\ *(rw/mou kai\ *(rh/mou. kai\ au)=qis: tmh/cas eu)aro/tou r(a/xin o)rga/dos.
See also omicron 505.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at Photius omicron437 Theodoridis.
[2] An episode from the build-up to the Peloponnesian War: see imprimis Thucydides 1.139.2, and alpha 2490. (For Perikles see generally pi 1179, pi 1180, pi 1181.) The present allusion to it was tentatively attributed by Adler to Aelian, but in fact it comes from Aristophanic scholia (to Acharnians 532 and/or Peace 605). See on this identification Theodoridis' Photius edition, vol.II pp.XCVIII-XCIX.
[3] By Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities 1.79.12, the present version of which is garbled.
[4] Greek Anthology 6.41.5 (Agathias Scholasticus). See kappa 1704 for another extract from this epigram.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 August 2002@10:13:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 13 August 2002@12:00:36.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 28 July 2004@10:42:20.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 30 November 2005@10:15:01.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 12 October 2011@06:55:50.
David Whitehead (another note) on 7 July 2013@06:09:00.
David Whitehead on 20 May 2016@03:39:58.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note 4) on 31 January 2021@18:57:13.
Ronald Allen (added cross-reference n.4) on 27 August 2023@13:56:10.


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