Suda On Line
Search results for nu,222 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,222
Translated headword: novel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] new, having a new and irrepressible power.[1]
"Without men present in the official positions able to manage these [matters], there was much novelty in politics".[2]
Aristophanes [writes]: "novel monster". Meaning strange [one]. "Full of absurdity". Meaning [full] of marvel.[3]
Greek Original:*neoxmo/s: ne/os, ne/an kai\ a)katapo/nhton du/namin e)/xwn. mh\ paro/ntwn e)s ta\s a)rxa\s a)ndrw=n tw=n die/pein tau/tas duname/nwn, polla\ neoxmei=sqai e)n toi=s politikoi=s. *)aristofa/nhs: te/ras neoxmo/n. a)nti\ tou= para/docon. a)topi/as ple/wn. a)nti\ tou= qau/matos.
[1] Similar (though nowhere identical and usually shorter) glossing in other lexica: see the references at
Photius nu154 Theodoridis, where the editor suggests that the Suda's glossing might derive from the
scholia on
Antigone 156 (where Kreon is called this).
Priscus fr. 52 Bornmann, formerly attributed to John of
Antioch. The passage refers to the emperor
Theodosius II, and is given in full at
theta 145 (q.v.).
Frogs 1371-2 (web address 1), with material deriving from the
scholia there. (The phrase "novel monster" had already appeared in
Thesmophoriazusae 701, but with the adjective first.) For "full of absurdity" see already
alpha 4374.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; constitution; definition; historiography; history; mythology; politics; tragedy
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 31 August 2009@10:08:25.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (tweaked link, other cosmetics) on 31 August 2009@22:13:38.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 September 2009@03:13:41.
Catharine Roth (tweak) on 1 September 2009@13:14:30.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; more keywords; tweaking) on 7 June 2013@03:26:35.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 25 October 2020@01:08:21.
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