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Search results for epsiloniota,267 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsiloniota,267
Translated headword: went into
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] made an entry with bad results.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "for ever since he went into the house for disaster." Meaning went in, rushed in, on the basis that [Kleon] had proceeded with force and shamelessly for the city.[2]
And elsewhere: "he arrived earlier there on the spot."[3]
It is also written
ei)se/frhse ["he admitted"], as the expression indicates rushing upon. It also means to enter with destruction.[4]
And Simocatta [writes]: "a report came to the inhabitants of the neighboring city that the city had been taken."[5]
Also [sc. attested is the participle]
ei)sefqarme/nou ["having entered with bad results, having come to disaster"], meaning having rushed in for outrage and destruction. "As no small contingent of them had come to disaster, along with which some also of the civilians shared in the disease."[6]
Greek Original:*ei)sh/rrhsen: ei)sefqa/rh. *)aristofa/nhs: a)f' ou(= ga\r ei)sh/rrhsen ei)s th\n oi)ki/an. a)nti\ tou= ei)sh=lqen, ei)seph/dhsen. w(s bi/a| kai\ a)naidw=s au)tou= th=| politei/a| proselqo/ntos. kai\ au)=qis: o( de\ proterh/sas ei)sh/rrhsen au)to/qi. gra/fetai de\ kai\ ei)se/frhse, dhlou/shs th=s le/cews to\ e)piphdh=sai. shmai/nei de\ kai\ to\ meta\ fqora=s ei)selqei=n. kai\ *simo/katos: lo/gos ei)sh/rrhse toi=s th\n gei/tona po/lin oi)kou=sin, w(s h(/lw h( po/lis. kai\ *ei)sefqarme/nou, a)nti\ tou= ei)sphdh/santos e)pi\ lu/mh| kai\ katafqora=|. ei)sefqarme/nou de\ au)toi=s ou)k o)li/gou sunta/gmatos, w(=| tines kai\ tou= politikou= suneno/soun.
For the verb here (presumably extracted from the quotation given) cf.
alpha 2434,
eta 509.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica.
Knights 4 (web address 1), with material from the
scholia there (resuming at 'It is also written..').
Menander Protector fr. 18.6 Blockley (164-165), on the Persian army under Chosroes (cf.
chi 418) surprising the Romans by arriving into Persian Armenia (in 575) much earlier than expected. Find further extracts from this fragment at
alpha 2330,
alpha 2906,
epsilon 1676,
sigma 10, and
chi 123.
[4] For
ei)se/frhsa see
epsiloniota 254.
[5] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 5.6.8; on the citizens of Ctesiphon (cf.
alpha 4485 note), learning that nearby Seleucia (cf.
sigma 198) had fallen to the Romans (summer of 591); cf. de Boor (199), Whitby (140), and
alpha 4485.
[6] Quotation not identified by Adler, but TLG searching shows it to be
Jewish War 4.85 (web address 2).
R.C. Blockley, ed. and trans., The History of Menander the Guardsman, (Cambridge 1985)
C. de Boor, ed., Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae, (Leipzig 1887, reprint 2022)
M. Whitby and M. Whitby, eds. and trans., The History of Theophylact Simocatta, (Oxford 1986)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 August 2005@00:20:57.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 11 August 2005@03:14:09.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1) on 12 August 2005@01:56:28.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 21 March 2011@05:55:40.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 January 2012@06:04:47.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 3 January 2012@14:23:48.
David Whitehead on 4 January 2012@03:09:45.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 27 November 2012@06:57:07.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 30 November 2012@00:55:20.
David Whitehead (note tweak) on 22 April 2016@05:39:09.
Catharine Roth (moved a cross-reference) on 28 April 2018@01:21:09.
Catharine Roth on 28 April 2018@01:22:25.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.3, added bibliography and cross-reference) on 1 October 2024@12:10:05.
Ronald Allen (typo translation, tweaked translation after discussion with Catharine Roth) on 1 October 2024@13:07:40.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.3) on 2 October 2024@11:16:20.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.5, added to bibliography, added cross-references) on 8 March 2025@12:13:05.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 10 March 2025@00:48:27.
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