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Search results for epsilon,3660 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,3660
Translated headword: good fortune
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] good luck.[1]
"I envy this man his good fortune."[2]
And elsewhere: "they enjoy all good fortune, being borne by fair winds."[3] And again: "they passed their lives in good fortune and in great prosperity."[4]
Greek Original:*eu)potmi/a: eu)tuxi/a. zhlw= tou=ton th=s eu)potmi/as. kai\ au)=qis: eu)potmi/as de\ a)polau/ousi pa/shs e)c ou)ri/wn fero/menoi. kai\ pa/lin: e)n eu)potmi/a| te kai\ eu)daimoni/a| dih=gon pollh=|.
[1] Same glossing in the
scholia to Lucian,
Dialogues of the gods 17.1; and cf. generally
epsilon 3661.
[2] Quotation (also in ps.-
Zonaras s.v.) unidentifiable.
[3] Adler notes Valckenaer's attribution of this quotation to
Aelian. But in fact, as a TLG search reveals, it is Theodoret on
Psalm 72
LXX (PG 80.1441d). See on this Theodoridis'
Photius edition, vol.II p.LXXXII.
[4] A fuller version of this quotation or paraphrase is given at
xi 9; there it is given as the historian
Xanthus' description of the reign of the Lydian king Alkimos. "They" are the Lydian people.
Keywords: Christianity; daily life; definition; economics; historiography; history; imagery; politics; religion
Translated by: Matthew Farmer on 4 February 2008@10:57:02.
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